I'm Nobody's Sweetheart Now

1h 4m 1940

Film Details

Release Date
Nov 1, 1940
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Pictures Co.
Distribution Company
Universal Pictures Co.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 4m
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length
7 reels


Tod Lowell, the football star son of Senator Lowell, receives orders from his father, who has gubernatorial aspirations, to entertain Gertrude Morgan, the daughter of a powerful upstate political boss. The Morgans are visiting the Lowells for a month, and Mr. Lowell's ultimatum presents both young people with a dilemma because Tod is in love with nightclub singer Betty Gilbert and Gertrude is secretly engaged to Andy Mason, Tod's rival on the football field. To solve their mutual problem, the pair decide to go out together, separate to meet their respective beaux and then return home together to fool their parents. As the courtship proceeds, Betty detects a budding romance between Gertrude and Tod and urges Andy to elope with Gertrude. Betty's plan goes awry, however, when Andy's wedding license proves invalid and Tod appears to rescue the bride. When Tod and Gertrude return home the next morning, Gertrude is still wearing her engagement ring, leading the gleeful parents to assume that their offspring are engaged. After Tod's mother suggests that the wedding be held on the Lowells' wedding anniversary in two weeks, Betty becomes infuriated, but Tod argues that a postponed wedding would prompt Mr. Morgan to withdraw his political support. In response, Betty suggests that Gertrude stand Tod up at the altar. On the day of the wedding, Andy waits outside to elope with Gertrude, but Gertrude realizes that she really loves Tod and goes through with the ceremony.

Film Details

Release Date
Nov 1, 1940
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Pictures Co.
Distribution Company
Universal Pictures Co.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 4m
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length
7 reels


Can you get the Justice to marry us?
- Andy Manson
Oh, all right... but just this once.
- Mrs. Thriffie
You take much longer, and he'll give you social security.
- Mrs. Thriffie
I did so want to be Mrs. Governor!
- Mrs. Lowell



This picture was based on the original story "The Bride Said No" by Erna Lazarus and Scott Darling. Retitled I'm Nobody's Sweetheart Now, it became part of Universal's series of productions whose titles were taken from popular songs.