Stage to Chino

59m 1940
Stage to Chino

Brief Synopsis

A retired postal inspector gets back in the saddle to prevent a stagecoach robbery.

Film Details

Release Date
Jul 26, 1940
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
RKO Radio Pictures, Inc.
Distribution Company
RKO Radio Pictures, Inc.
United States

Technical Specs



Caroline McKay, the owner of the McKay Stage Line, faces competition from Dude Elliott, when he decides to compete for a U.S. mail contract. Unknown to Caroline, her uncle, Charlie Lait, is in league with Elliott to put her out of business. To protect its interests, the U.S. Postal Department sends Inspector Dan Clark to investigate the two competing lines. While riding to Chino, Dan foils an attempted robbery of the McKay stage. His suspicions are aroused when he notices that Caroline's driver, Bill Hoagland, who supposedly broke his arm during the hold-up, has made a miraculous recovery. Consequently, when Caroline, unaware that Dan is a postal inspector, offers him a job driving her stage, he accepts. Dan reports his suspicions to the postal inspector in Prescott, but without proof, no action can be taken against Elliott. Discovering that Elliott is shortchanging the gold miners when buying their gold dust, Dan exposes the leaded weights that Wheeler, Elliott's paymaster, is using. When Dan advises the miners to mail their gold dust to the mint in Prescott, Elliott devises a scheme to rob the McKay safe of the gold. After taking Wheeler into custody, Dan rides for Prescott, but sensing a trap, he returns to town and hides Wheeler in the barn. Soon afterward, Elliott's men create a diversion by setting the barn on fire, and then tie up Charlie and steal the gold while Caroline and the others fight the flames. After saving the stage and the horses, Dan forces Charlie to take him to the gold. The next morning, Caroline, still fighting for the mail contract, drives the fire-damaged stage on the road to Prescott. Hoagland, driving Elliott's stage, tries to incite the miners against the McKay line, but his plan is thwarted as Dan appears with the stolen gold and the robbers in tow. After a shootout with Hoagland, Dan commandeers Elliott's stage and drives it into Prescott to win the mail contract and charge Elliott with Wheeler's murder.

Film Details

Release Date
Jul 26, 1940
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
RKO Radio Pictures, Inc.
Distribution Company
RKO Radio Pictures, Inc.
United States

Technical Specs





Modern sources add Elmo Lincoln, Harry Wild and Jack O'Shea to the cast and credit Harry Wild with photography.