Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Howard Hawks
John Wayne
Elsa Martinelli
Red Buttons
Gérard Blain
Michèle Girardon
Film Details
Technical Specs

The Momella Game Farm in Tanganyika is world-famous as a source of wild animals. When its owner is killed by a rhinoceros, his French-born daughter, Brandy, decides to carry on her father's work. Assisting her are Sean Mercer, an American game catcher embittered by a previous unhappy love affair; Kurt Stahl, a former auto racer from Germany who drives the herding jeep; Bill "Indian" Vaughn, a veteran hunter; and Pockets, a former cabbie from Brooklyn. Eventually this little group of international adventurers is joined by woman photographer Dallas and French playboy Chip Maurey, who replaces Indian when the latter is badly gored by a charging rhino. Trouble begins when Kurt and Chip compete for the attentions of Brandy, and Sean becomes infuriated by Dallas' penchant for collecting baby elephants. Gradually, however, during the many hectic safaris after wild game, the tensions are resolved. The rivalry between Kurt and Chip ends when Pockets accidentally falls from a fence and Brandy betrays her true romantic feelings by rushing up to comfort him. Following the celebration of the capture of a rhinoceros, Sean discovers that Dallas has left the farm, and he sets out to find her by using her pet baby elephants as bloodhounds. After barging through the streets, alleys, and stores of the small town of Arusha, they finally corner her in the local hotel. Sean insists upon an immediate marriage, and Dallas tearfully agrees. Their wedding night is somewhat marred, however, when Dallas' three baby elephants stampede into the bedroom.


Howard Hawks

John Wayne

Elsa Martinelli

Red Buttons
Gérard Blain
Michèle Girardon

Bruce Cabot
Valentin De Vargas

Eduard Franz
Jon Chevron

Queenie Leonard
Emmett E. Smith
Jack Williams
Henry Scott
Major Sam Harris
Carl Anderson
Frank Beetson Jr.
Leigh Brackett
Joseph Brun
Hoagy Carmichael
Claude Carpenter
John Carter
Sam Comer
Tom Connors
Willie De Beer
John P. Fulton
Stuart Gilmore
Charles Grenzbach
Russell Harlan
Howard Hawks
Howard Hawks
Edith Head
Paul Helmick
Paul Helmick
Jim Henderling
Bruce G. Kinloch
Harry Kurnitz
Carey Loftin
Henry Mancini
Johnny Mercer
Roger Monteran
Jan Oelofse
Earl Olin
Dick Parker
Hal Pereira
William R. Poole
Don Robb
Eric Rungren
Russ Saunders
Tanganyika Game Dept.
Brian West
Jack Whitman

Film Details
Technical Specs

Award Nominations
Best Cinematography
In place of a legitimate narrative, Hawks offered John Wayne tearing after rhinos, zebras, elephants, and giraffes - all shot on location in the wilds of Tanganyika. Wayne and his co-stars go toe-to-toe with real live animals, chasing them down in suped-up trucks and wrangling them like displaced cowboys (albeit the kind that are costumed by Edith Head). Outside of that, the characters mostly just play cards, argue, and flirt with women, but the chase scenes seem to be enough for the picture’s many admirers.
Hatari! (it means “Danger!” in Swahili) was a much-needed hit for Wayne, and it still stands as one of the more realistic Hollywood films ever shot in Africa. All you need to do is watch John Huston’s The African Queen (1951) to see how badly rear projections and mismatched cutaways can corrupt the authenticity of a difficult location shoot. The audience benefits greatly from Hawks’ (and especially Wayne’s) genuine sense of adventure.
Wayne plays Sean Mercer, a macho game hunter who captures wild animals to sell to zoos around the world. Mercer’s manly-man crew consists of “Indian” (Bruce Cabot), “Pockets” (Red Buttons), and Kurt Mueller (Hardy Kruger), all of whom get a blast out of subduing beautiful creatures in their natural habitat. (Note: Wildlife fans may have trouble watching some of this.) The raging testosterone flow is interrupted, however, when a beautiful photographer named Anna Maria D’Allesandro (Elsa Martinelli) shows up to take some safari pictures. Sean develops an interest in Anna Maria, but can only show his affection by giving her a hard time for daring to be a woman.
And that’s about it. You certainly won’t lose the storyline if you decide to get up and make a sandwich, although you may miss John Wayne wrestling a giraffe.
Wayne was depressed while filming Hatari!, for several reasons. First and foremost, his dear friend, Ward Bond (who intended to make a cameo in the movie) died shortly before filming began. Wayne had even planned on performing an elaborate practical joke on Bond while he was in Africa. The goal was to get a clear photo of Bond’s rear end beside a rhino’s. Wayne would then make a poster featuring both posteriors, unveil it at drunken Hollywood parties, and have the revelers decide which beast had the biggest butt. One wonders what The Duke would have done had he not liked Bond.
Wayne also had to contend with a severe bout of bad publicity concerning The Alamo (1960), an expensive epic that he had just finished directing and starring in. Without consulting anyone involved in the picture – especially Wayne, who had a lot riding on it – character actor Chill Wills instituted the most tasteless bit of grandstanding in Give-Me-An-Oscar history. Wills’ unschooled new publicist, a former prison physical education teacher named W.S. “Bow-Wow” Wojeiechowicz, took out a full-page ad in The Hollywood Reporter featuring an Alamo cast photo. Emblazoned over the photo was the message, “We of the Alamo cast are praying – harder than the real Texans prayed for their lives in the Alamo – for Chill Wills to win the Oscar as the Best Supporting Actor. Cousin Chill’s acting was great.” Whoops.
Cousin Duke was rightfully livid, and had to perform as much spin control as he could from the far reaches of Africa. He took out trade paper ads stressing that no one involved in The Alamo supported Wills’ actions, ending his statement with “I refrain from using stronger language because I am sure his intentions were not as bad as his taste.” Wills did not win his Oscar, and was, in fact, made into a laughing stock by various comedians and industry types. He’s lucky Wayne was busy with that giraffe. He may have ended up in a cage himself.
Director: Howard Hawks
Producer: Howard Hawks
Screenplay: Leigh Brackett (based on a story by Harry Kurnitz)
Cinematography: Russell Harlan and Joseph Brun
Editing: Stuart Gilmore
Music: Henry Mancini
Art Design: Hal Pereira and Carl Anderson
Set Design: Sam Comer and Claude Carpenter
Stunts: Carey Loftin
Costumes: Edith Head
Principal Cast: John Wayne (Sean Mercer), Elsa Martinelli (Dallas), Hardy Kruger (Kurt), Gerard Blain (Chips), Red Buttons (Pockets), Michele Girardon (Brandy), Bruce Cabot (Indian), Valentin de Vargas (Luis).
C-159 min. Letterboxed. Closed captioning.
by Paul Tatara

According to director Howard Hawks, all the animal captures in the picture were performed by the actual actors; no stuntmen or animal handlers were substituted onscreen. The rhino really did escape, and the actors really did have to recapture it-- and Hawks included the sequence for its realism.
Congo, the baby elephant in the filming, died in November 2000 at the Dubbo Zoo. He was the only male elephant in captivity in Australia at the time.
Hatari means "danger" in Swahili.
Composer Henry Mancini wrote a brief piece of incidental music to go with a scene where a baby elephant is taken for a walk. The simple little song became an international hit as "Baby Elephant Walk", and has been recorded by a large number of artists and in many different styles.
Location scenes filmed at Mt. Meru, Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro Crater, Naberara, and on the Ruvu River.

Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States June 20, 1962
Released in United States Winter December 31, 1961
Released in United States Winter December 31, 1961
Released in United States June 20, 1962