Barbara Stanwyck

Family & Companions
In 1944 the IRS claimed that Stanwyck was the highest-paid woman in the USA, with an annual salary of $400,000
Stanwyck changed her name from Ruby Stevens when she appeared in the Broadway play, "The Noose" in 1926. The inspiration was said to come from a theatrical poster which announced "Jane Stanwyck in 'Barbara Frietchie'".
In "The Lady Eve" Stanwyck played con artist who seduces the wealthy but unsophisticated Henry Fonda. After a misunderstanding causes them to split, she impersonates a wealthy English aristocrat to get back at him. The comedy's absurd premise remains grounded in reality, thanks to Stanwyck, who demands the audience's sympathy despite her scheming. The tiny, quirky-looking, and aggressive Stanwyck was more than a match for the tall, pretty and passive Fonda, and despite not earning an Academy Award nomination, Stanwyck's work in "The Lady Eve" ranks as perhaps her greatest comedic performance of them all."Meet John Doe" paired Stanwyck with yet another ridiculously tall, good looking leading man in Gary Cooper. They could not have been more different. Cooper was 6'3," came from Montana, and spoke - when he spoke at all - in the quiet, flat tones of the upper Plains. Stanwyck was 5'3," came from Brooklyn, and never lost the clipped cadences of her native New York. Director Frank Capra took full advantage of his stars' contrasts by letting their natural personalities and differences play out on screen. Stanwyck, in the role of a reporter who must scramble to save her reputation after printing a fake letter by an imagined "John Doe," again won audience sympathy through the engaging forces of her personality and intelligence."Ball of Fire" featured Stanwyck and Cooper again, but this time in a lighter comedy than the socially pointed "Meet John Doe." Stanwyck was in her familiar element, playing another girl from the wrong side of the tracks; this time, a wisecracking nightclub singer on the lam from the mob. Cooper did a variation on the Henry Fonda role in "The Lady Eve," lending his charm to the role of a naive professor researching American slang. Sparks fly between Stanwyck and Cooper, with each teaching the other a thing or two about their disparate worlds before falling in love. Under Howard Hawks' crisp direction, the screwball premise crackled with pitch perfect comedy and romance, leaving Stanwyck with yet another hit on her hands. She also earned her second Academy Award nomination for her work in the film.To this point, Stanwyck had proved she could play comedy, drama - even melodrama. But with "Double Indemnity" (1944), she upped the ante, proving in a platinum wig and seductive satin heels that she could play Fred MacMurray - play him for a sap, that is. One of the greatest film noir thrillers of all time, "Double Indemnity" was directed and adapted by Billy Wilder with Raymond Chandler from the James M. Cain novel. A wicked waltz danced by a scheming femme fatale and crooked insurance salesman, Stanwyck seduces MacMurray before convincing him to kill her husband to collect on his life insurance. Multiple double-crosses follow, as the couple's plan begins to unravel. Stanwyck's performance - packed with treachery, seduction and venom - earned her a third Academy Award nomination. And yet again, she was overlooked, losing out to Ingrid Bergman for "Gaslight" (1944)."Double Indemnity" represented the high-water mark of Stanwyck's cinema career. She continued acting in movies for another dozen years but none of the movies approached the searing brilliance of her earlier films. "Sorry, Wrong Number" (1948) was a fine thriller and garnered Stanwyck her final Academy Award nomination, but it did not leave an indelible mark on film culture as "Double Indemnity" did. As she aged and the movie roles became less interesting, Stanwyck turned her inestimable talents to television. "The Barbara Stanwyck Show" (NBC, 1960) lasted only one season but earned its star an Emmy Award. Stanwyck's marriage to Robert Taylor had ended in divorce in 1951, but she kept the ranch and horses they had shared. This kept her in prime riding shape to handle a host of guest appearances on Western shows like "Wagon Train" (NBC, 1957-1962; ABC, 1962-65). Finally, with the Western series "The Big Valley" (ABC, 1965-69), Stanwyck landed a long-running prime time hit that kept her busy and made her a fortune. She also won another Emmy Award for the role, playing the matriarch of a large family in central California.The aging Stanwyck's final professional triumphs were all on TV, including another Emmy Award for her work in the phenomenally successful miniseries "The Thorn Birds" (ABC, 1983) in which she played Mary Carson, the hard-as-nails owner of a ranch in Australia's outback who lusts after her local priest (Richard Chamberlain). In fact, her porch scene with a naked and decades-younger Chamberlain became the final classic in her canon of memorable onscreen moments. Mustering up the youthful lust she feels for Chamberlain, but cursing out the old body she is trapped inside, it was an Emmy-worthy scene. After "The Thorn Birds," she lent her class and grace to the primetime soap operas "Dynasty" (ABC, 1981-89) and its spin-off "The Colbys" (ABC, 1985-87), but after a lifetime of hard work she was growing tired of the grind.A robbery at Stanwyck's home precipitated her withdrawing from public view, although she continued to be active with charity work. Both on and off screen, she had seemed a fierce, invulnerable presence, able to conquer any man or circumstance. In real life, her heavy smoking habit and relentless working schedule finally caught up with her. She died from congestive heart failure and emphysema on Jan. 20, 1990, leaving behind an impressive body of work and a unique personality indelibly captured for all time on the silver screen.r in the elite of Hollywood's actresses - on par with Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, and Carole Lombard. Although based on a novel, the film seemed crafted to play to Stanwyck's strengths. In the title role of a working-class woman who marries and has a child with a well-born but destitute man, Stanwyck once again revisited her underdog persona. But the movie's power sprung from the self-sacrifice that Stella makes for her beloved daughter after the marriage breaks up. Choosing to give up her child so that she can lead a better life among the wealthy and privileged, Stanwyck's powerful performance earned her an Academy Award nomination - no doubt helped by the classic scene of her standing outside her daughter's window, crying as she watches her join her new family.For the first of several times, Stanwyck lost out on the Oscar but kept winning great parts. A tireless worker, she churned out movies at a steady pace. "The Mad Miss Manton" (1938) allowed her to switch gears and play a wacky debutante rather than her usual plucky pauper. It also teamed her with Henry Fonda, who would soon co-star with Stanwyck in the classic screwball comedy "The Lady Eve." "Golden Boy" (1939) featured Stanwyck playing a cunning boxing promoter's wife who supports the career of a young fighter, played by newcomer William Holden. In reality, Stanwyck grew especially close to the young actor, helping to promote his career. She fought hard on Holden's behalf when the studio wanted to replace him, and the movie's subsequent success turned Holden into a star. It also earned him the nickname "Golden Boy," which Stanwyck would refer to him thereafter, until his untimely death in 1981. For his part, Holden was so grateful to the actress for fighting for him that he reportedly sent her flowers every year on the anniversary of the first day of filming.Stanwyck slowed down her busy career long enough to marry the impossibly handsome actor Robert Taylor in 1939. Cynics whispered that it was an arranged marriage to quell rumors that both of them were gay. She treated these rumors with her characteristic fortitude, plowing headfirst into some of the most creatively brilliant work of her life. The year 1941 may have been a bad year for America as the country staggered into World War II, but it was a great year for Stanwyck. She starred in four movies - three of which became instant classics, including "The Lady Eve," "Meet John Doe" (1941), and "Ball of Fire" (1941).la
Cast (Feature Film)
Misc. Crew (Feature Film)
Cast (Special)
Cast (Short)
Life Events
Broadway debut in the chorus of "The Noose"; co-starred with actors Rex Cherryman and Wilfred Lucas
First starring role on Broadway in "Burlesque"
First film appearance was a minor part in "Broadway Nights" (silent film)
Feature leading role debut in "The Locked Door"
Under joint contract with Columbia and Warner Bros. inspired by success of feature "Ladies of Leisure"
Appeared in a starring role in the feature "Illicit"
Was one of the first stars to go independent when her Warner Bros. contract expired
Won acclaim for her role in "Stella Dallas"; earned first Best Actress Academy Award nomination
Co-starred with Gary Cooper in "Ball of Fire"; earned second Best Actress Academy Award nomination
Most famous role was in "The Lady Eve," starring opposite Henry Fonda
Starred in the noir feature, "Double Indemnity"; received third Academy Award nomination for Best Actress
Played a spoiled, bedridden daughter of a millionaire in "Sorry, Wrong Number" earned fourth Best Actress Academy Award nomination
Appeared opposite Ronald Reagan in the western "Cattle Queen of Montana"
Cast in a recurring role on the NBC TV series, "Wagon Train"
Last starring role in a feature for five years, "Forty Guns"
Hosted her own show, "The Barbara Stanwyck Show" (NBC), earned the star her first Emmy Award
Returned to features in "Walk on the Wild Side"
Acted in her last feature film "The Night Walker"
Cast as head of a frontier family in the Western series "The Big Valley" (ABC)
Gave an Emmy Award-winning performance in the ABC mini-series, "The Thorn Birds"
Reprised the role of Constance Colby Patterson on the first season of the spin-off series "The Colbys" (ABC)
Made three guest appearances on the hit primetime soap opera "Dynasty" (ABC) as Constance Colby Patterson
Photo Collections
Movie Clip




In 1944 the IRS claimed that Stanwyck was the highest-paid woman in the USA, with an annual salary of $400,000
Stanwyck changed her name from Ruby Stevens when she appeared in the Broadway play, "The Noose" in 1926. The inspiration was said to come from a theatrical poster which announced "Jane Stanwyck in 'Barbara Frietchie'".
"I would have to say that I have never worked with an actress who was more cooperative, less temperamental and a better workman, to use my term of highest compliment, than Barbara Stanwyck." (Cecil B. DeMille, on directing Stanwyck -- PR TNT's special, "Barbara Stanwyck: Fire and Desire" 1991)
"Career is too pompous a word. It was a job, and I have always felt privileged to be paid for doing what I love doing." (Barbara Stanwyck -- PR TNT's special, "Barbara Stanwyck: Fire and Desire" 1991)