Navajo Trail Raiders

60m 1949

Brief Synopsis

Outlaw gangs are plundering the freight lines that bring supplies into Yellow Creek. The only thing that will save the town is the insurance money on the freight, but the outlaws are looking to steal that also. Lane comes to town as the best man for the wedding of Tom and Judy, but it will be up to him to find the outlaw boss.

Film Details

Release Date
Oct 15, 1949
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Republic Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Republic Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1


On the Navajo Trail leading to the pioneer town of Yellow Creek, armed raiders attack the freight lines, wounding owner Tom Stanley in the shoulder, and killing his partner, Fred. Citizen Sam Brynes insists on a posse, while the owner of the stolen goods, Nugget Clark, goes to Mesa City to collect a $1,000 insurance settlement. The Southern Casualty Insurance representative sends Nugget to Cypress Hill to meet its courier. Along the trail, former Virginia City deputy Marshal Allan "Rocky" Lane, who is traveling to Yellow Creek for the wedding of his friend, Tom, meets the courier and asks him for directions. The courier, who is working with a group of bandits, lies, sending Rocky in the wrong direction. Nevertheless, Rocky sees the bandits attack Nugget's wagon and stops it after it races out of control. After Nugget receives his settlement, he decides to store the rest of the cash in the company safe. Later, when Tom opens the safe, his brother Frank forces him to hand over the cash and his watch, threatening to reveal his conviction for stagecoach robbery if he refuses. Frank is apprehended and taken to jail, but later escapes. The next day, Tom refuses to give Frank more money, so Frank sells Tom's story to John Blanford, the editor of the Yellow Creek Star for $5,000. Later, Blanford and Frank inform Nugget that they have found his stolen money inside Tom's wallet. Insurance manager T. A. Johnson sends a note detailing the circuitous route that the next stage will take, but Frank kills the courier and steals the note before it reaches Yellow Creek. After Tom is arrested for the robberies, Rocky returns to town with an outlaw who claims that Tom hired him to kill the courier. Although he pretends to believe the outlaw's story, Rocky knows that Tom has been framed. Later, Frank offers Blanford the note for $25,000, but Blanford shoots him. After Rocky takes the watch from Frank's pocket, Rocky discovers the note inside. Later, Rocky returns the watch to Frank at the jail, and then rides to Mesa City to stop the insurance company from sending more money. Meanwhile, Nugget, unaware that Blanford is behind the freight heists, details Rocky's mission for him. Blanford sends his henchmen, Brad, Hank and Pete, after Rocky to retrieve the watch. Along the trail, Brad pretends to have trouble with his horse, and Rocky stops to help him. Hank and Pete knock Rocky unconscious, steal the watch, and carry him to their hideout. Rocky later escapes, while Blanford and his men try to break Tom out of jail. Tom refuses to leave, and after Blanford shoots a deputy, he reads the note, and then ignites it. When Nugget realizes Blanford was the only one who knew about their plan, he and Rocky rush to his office. Meanwhile, Blanford and Brad are planning to kill Tom during a stagecoach robbery the following day, and leave him for the sheriff. Rocky and Nugget hide in Blanford's office and when Blanford rushes out with his loaded gun, Rocky cuts small lengths of rope to leave along the trail so that the posse will be able to follow. After the stage is hijacked, the sheriff and posse chase Blanford and Brad into the cave they use for their hideout, and they are arrested.

Film Details

Release Date
Oct 15, 1949
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Republic Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Republic Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1


Tom is as square as the day is long.
- Nugget Clark
