The Time Traveler's Wife
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Robert Schwentke
Rachel Mcadams
Eric Bana
Ron Livingston
Arliss Howard
Stephen Tobolowsky
Film Details
Technical Specs
Clare has been in love with Henry her entire life. She believes they are destined to be together, even though she never knows when they will be separated: Henry is a time traveler--cursed with a rare genetic anomaly that causes him to live his life on a shifting timeline, skipping back and forth through his lifespan with no control. Despite the fact that Henry's travels force them apart with no warning, Clare desperately tries to build a life with her one true love.
Robert Schwentke
Rachel Mcadams

Eric Bana
Ron Livingston
Arliss Howard
Stephen Tobolowsky
Katherine Trowell
Esther Jun
Pepper Sweeney
David Talbot
Scott Menville
Brendan Canning
Paul Pape
Craig Richard Snoyer
Andrew Whiteman
Chad Einbinder
Greyson Spann
Michael Bell
Bart Bedford
James Lafazanos
Jean Yoon
Maggie Castle
Brian Bisson
Kevin Drew
Jon Bruno
Makenna Cowgill
Brooklynn Proulx
Kenner Ames
Fiona Reid
Alex Ferris
Romyen Tangsubutra
Mona Marshall
Tatum Mccann
Matt Birman
Anne Lockhart
Jackie Gonneau
Michelle Nolden
Mario Tufino
Alison Macleod
Helaine Lembeck
Hailey Mccann
Philip Craig
Terri Douglas
David Cowgill
Ashleigh Falls
Shawn Storer
Paul Francis
Donald Carrier
Jane Mclean
Duane Murray
Heidi Myers
Carly Street
June Christopher
Dan Duran
Kerry Gutierrez
Justin Peroff
Jan Caruana
Jonathan Nichols
Colin Adams
Lloyd Adams
Robert Adams
Quita Alfred
David Carter Allan
Assata Amoaku
Fred Anderson
Ian Anderson
Jerry Andrews
Mongo Andrews
Michael Angelo
Deborah Aquila
Mayumi Arakaki
Krystin Auriemma
Tea Bacanin
Coriena Baer
Stevie Baker
Florian Ballhaus
Lynell Bangs
Brittany Banks
John Bannister
Cassandra Barbour
Isabel Bayrakdarian
Jerry Beaudrow
Jim Beaudrow
Ron Bedrosian
Gunther Bell
Jeffrey Bell
Sam Bertone
Rita Bertucci
Michael Bigger
Sean BĂ´rdeau
Troy Borisy
Jerry Borris
Patricia Boulden
Bob Bowen
Russell Bowie
Kevin P. Boyd
William Boyd
Mike Brantley
Denise Breen
Richard Brener
Laurel Bresnahan
Ann Brodie
John Brunt
Constance Buck
Flavian Bulfon
Alex Burdett
Lindsay Burnett
Gary Burritt
Michael Buster
Robb Cadzow
Tim Campbell
Gary Canale
John Cannon
Julio Carmona
Joe Carpita
Laurie Cartwright
Michael Caruana
Douglas Catty
Patrick Caulfield
Gordon Chacra
Kirk Cheney
Calvin Chin
Dan Christov
Attilio Cimini
David Clayton
Glenn Clyatt
Robert Cochrane
Julie Cochrill
Rick Coffee
Steve Cohen
Charles Collier
Christopher Comrie
George Constas
Tim Conway
Robin D. Cook
Shelley Cook
Denise Cooper
Janet Cormak
Bailey Corneal
Don Cornelius
Stella Christy Cottini
Patricia Cuccia
Ian Curtis
Tim Cushen
Mychael Danna
Mychael Danna
Bishwambhar Dass
Tobiasz Daszkiewicz
Jon Davidson
Alex Dawes
Sean Dawes
Andrew J. Day
Federico Demarco
Gilbert Demers
Del Depierro
Elizabeth Dewey
Ron Dickie
Matt Diezel
Nicholas Dodd
Nicholas Dodd
Jason Dodds
Dennis Dolcetti
Terri Douglas
Nigel Draper
Ed Dudink
James Duffy
Marya Duplaga
Tom Durnan
Jennifer Dyer
Katherine Dynes
Paul Dzatko
Flint Eagle
Mark Edwards
Jeff Egan
Sara Ellingen
Roy Elliston
Rico Emerson
Philip Esteves
Susan Exton-stranks
Samantha Finkler
Daniel Fischer
David Fisher
Danielle Fleury
Richard Ford
Rick Forsayeth
Dustin Foster
Brad Francis
Candide Franklyn
Brent Fraser
Ian Fraser
James Fraser
Joe Fraser
John Fraser
Jamie Frith
Zachary Gannaway
Dede Gardner
Sara Gardner-gail
Nerses Gezalyan
Corey Gibbons
Agnes M Gibicar
Luke Gibson
Hector Gika
Emily Glatter
Daniel Godin
Emile Godin
Emerald Goldsmith
Bernie Gomez
Michelle Gonsiorek
Glen Goodchild
Jason Graham
Mark Graham
David Greenblatt
Justis Greene
Justis Greene
Richard Gregory
Glynna Grimala
Charles Grubbs
Peter Grundy
Stan Gruszka
Steven Guerry
Duane Gullison
Vivian Guzman
Brad Haehnel
Kristin Hahn
Emily Halfon
Michael Hall
Jamie Hallett
Paul Hamilton
Christine Harrington
Elspeth Haughton
Jacqui Hemingway
Callie Hersheway
Ron Hines
John Hinz
William T Hogan Iii
Aaron C Holden
Peter Hook
A J Hordal
Holly Horter
Dana Howes
John Hudecek
Oliver Hug
Mark C Hughes
Darlene R Hunt
Eldridge Huntington Jr.
Ryan Hupponen
Jon Hutman
Christina Hwang
J W Lee Ionson
Wayne Ireland
Karl Irvine
Steve Iwan
Jennifer Jacobsen
Al Jagminas
Nick Jamison
Martyn Jefferson
Charles Jimenez
Jennifer Jobst
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer August 14, 2009
Released in United States on Video February 9, 2010
Released in United States September 2009
Shown at Deauville Festival of American Cinema (Premieres) September 4-13, 2009.
Based on the novel "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger, published by MacAdam/Cage September 1, 2003. The book is loosely inspired by "The Odyssey."
David Fincher was previously mentioned to direct. Gus Van Sant previously in negotiations to direct.
Released in United States Summer August 14, 2009
Released in United States on Video February 9, 2010
Released in United States September 2009 (Shown at Deauville Festival of American Cinema (Premieres) September 4-13, 2009.)
Project was included on the 2005 Black List.