Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Vincenzo Natali
Adrien Brody
Sarah Polley
Delphine Chanéac
Brandon Mcgibbon
Simona Maicanescu
Film Details
Technical Specs
Superstar genetic engineers Clive and Elsa specialize in splicing together DNA from different animals to create incredible new hybrids. Now they want to use human DNA in a hybrid that could revolutionize science and medicine. But when the pharmaceutical company that funds their research forbids it, Clive and Elsa secretly conduct their own experiments. The result is Dren, an amazing, strangely beautiful creature that exhibits uncommon intelligence and an array of unexpected physical developments. And though, at first, Dren exceeds their wildest dreams, she begins to grow and learn at an accelerated rate--and threatens to become their worst nightmare.
Vincenzo Natali

Adrien Brody
Sarah Polley
Delphine Chanéac
Brandon Mcgibbon
Simona Maicanescu
David Hewlett
Abigail Chu
Mary Margaret O'hara
Martin Tielli
Jeremy Aiello
Scott Alexander
David Allen
Zeljka Alosiniac
Cynthia Amsden
Pascal Anquetil
Jean-pierre Arquie
Catherine Athon
Amro Attia
Francois Xavier Aubague
Aaron Auch
Cyrille Aufort
Cyrille Aufort
Robert Ballantyne
Kevin Banks
Frederic Barbe
Jeff Bastedo
Bernard Bats
Xavier Bec
Matt Beckett
Mike Becki
David R Beecroft
Jeffrey Bell
Francois Belliart
Denis Bellingham
Charles V Bender
Howard Berger
Howard Berger
Julien Bertheuil
Pierre Beucher
Jacques Bled
Chris Bobinski
Joe Boccia
Jack Boem
Sam Bollinger
Quentin Boniface
Vincent Borg
Arnauld Boulard
Frederic Boulin
Yannick Boulot
Marie Bourguet
Jean-francois Bourrel
Terry Bradley
Chris Bridges
Denniston Karl Brown
Jeff Brush
Ruth Brush
John Buchan
Amanda Buckland
Pierre Buffin
Lisa Burling
Christina Butterfield
Jerome Calvet
Sarah Campbell
Michael Carella
Michael Carr
Lisa Carr-harris
Stephan Carrier
Christina Cattle
Chris Cera
Rodolphe Chabrier
George Charames
William Cheng
William Cheng
Todd Cherniawsky
Yves Chevalier
David M. Chisholm
Steven Ciancamerla
Kevin Clark
Dug Claxton
Jody Clement
Olivier Clert
Jonathan Cohen
Angelo Colavecchia
John Colavecchia
Nicolas Combecave
John Connell
Steven Conner
Michele Conroy
Jane Conway
Tamara Conway
Steve Copley
Christopher Cordell
Bailey Corneal
Gary Couto
Barry Crane
Gino Crognale
Tony Cybulski
Mark Cyre
Tom Czarnopys
Jeff Dasilva
Robert L Davis
Joshu De Cartier
Mike Deak
Rossana Decampo
Erin Deck
Jeff Deist
Marty Dejczak
Shanya Dejczak
Didier Dekeyser
Guillermo Del Toro
Thomas Delcoy
Luke Della-schiava
Nicolas Delval
Constance Demontoy
Roderick Deogrades
Paul Deoliveira
Liesl Deslauriers
Philippe Desmoulins
Carla Diamond
Alex Diaz
Alex Diaz
Fifine Domer
Jereemie Droulers
Fabien Dufour
Sidonie Dumas
Sebastien Dupuis
Daniel Dyer
Paul Eberhard
Abdullah Ecirli
Jeff Edwards
Alter Ego
Pascal Etangsale
Andrew Evans
Steve Ferrier
Cheryl Fisher
Joyce Fitt
Michael Forot
Ron Forward
Plato Fountidakis
Beatrice Fraschini Rey
Amy Fritz
Benoit Gadreau
Dale Gagne
Michael Galbraith
Damien Gautron
Peter George
Maxine Gervais
Masha Ghorbankarimi
J.p. Giamos
Irénée Girard
Kyle Glencross
Brian Goehring
Michael Goldfarb
Maria Gordon
Andrew Grant
Felix Gray
Michael Griffith
Luke Groves
Amelie Guyot
Sebastien Guyot
Dianne Haggarty
Mike Hall
Bill Halliday
Michele Harney
Tanya Hart
Steve Hartman
Beth Hathaway
Danny Hawrysio
Ryan V Hays
Dylan Heming
David Herrington
Steven Hoban
Grady Holder
Matthew Horner
Chris Howard
Dana Howes
Sam Hudecki
Gregor Hutchison
Janice Ierulli
Ian Kim Imperial
Wayne Ireland
Adam Jeziak
R. Emerson John
Ken Mitchel Jones
Amanda Jovanoski
Isabelle Julien
Alex Kavanagh
Leslie Kavanagh
Jean-charles Kerninon
Jean-charles Kerninon
Garrett Kerr
Robert Kfouri
Jason Knight
Peter Konig
Laurent Kossayan
Patrick Krauter
Derek Krout
Marc Kuitenbrouwer
Andre Labbouz
Vanessa Lafaille
Fabrice Lagayette
Emmanuel De Laguarigue
Alain Lalanne
Andrew Lam
Tami Lane
Dino Laurenza
Adrian Laurie
Shane Law
Mathieu Le Meur
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring June 4, 2010
Released in United States January 2010
Released in United States Spring June 4, 2010 (2400+)
Released in United States January 2010 (Shown at Sundance Film Festival (Park City at Midnight) January 21-31, 2010.)