Gospel Hill
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Giancarlo Esposito
Trey Greene
Michael Parness
Casey Bellville
Julia Grigg
Scott Bomar
Film Details
Technical Specs
A former sheriff and a former civil-rights activist revisit the 30-year-old death of another rights worker.

Giancarlo Esposito
Trey Greene
Michael Parness
Casey Bellville
Julia Grigg
Scott Bomar
Darlene Black
Chloe Bailey
Adam Baldwin
David Haines
Richard Krish
Raquel Oliver
Coletrane Williams
John R. Sexton
Julia Stiles
C K Bibby
Lee Freeman
Ralph Greene
Atyan Kennedy
Christy Johnson
Tom Bower

Danny Glover
Shirley Jones Bird
Jesse Gore
Felix Justice
Brian Robinson

Samuel L. Jackson
Jason Klemm
Charles Jones
Chris Ellis
Taylor Kitsch
Jason Downs
Ted Manson

Giancarlo Esposito
Angela Bassett
Phillip Bloch
Nia Long
Anya Adams
Chris Allen
Nick Amoroso
Tiffany Apple
Todd Armitage
Ken Atchity
Zachary Atkinson
Andre Ayms
Douglas Barger
Jeffrey J Barrows
Eyde Belasco
Wendy Bell
Richard S Bellina
Raymond Benthall
Adam Betteridge
Eric Bibb
Eric Bibb
Jeffree Bloomer
Todd Boggess
Troy S Boggess
Renee Bollten
Scott Bomar
Scott Bomar
Mellie Boozer
Selwyn Bougard
Jason Bracher
Freddy Braidy
Shaun Brennan
David Briggs
Vicky Brooks
Taron Brown
George Bunce
Henry Butler
Julie Callihan
Anthony Cargioli
Neil Castles
Neil Castles
Kristin Cauldwell
Rachel Chancey
Christie Chaplin
Wendy Chaplin
Bill Cimino
Steve Cirkvencic
Dan Clark
Christopher Conkling
Dawn Cook
Joe Cook
Jeff Corbbitt
Catherine Cravens
John Crowley
Keynan Davis
Nathan Davis
John Day
Joshua Dease
Anil Dhokai
Sophia Raab Downs
Rusty Dunn
Stan Erdreich
Giancarlo Esposito
Giancarlo Esposito
Robert W Filion
Susan Fink
Carlton Fist
Doug Floyd
Ruthie Foster
Ruthie Foster
Randy Freeman
Al Gamble
Tyler Garnett
Jeff Geoffray
Carson Gloster
Jim Gloster
I Karl Golden
Suzanne Goldish
Lewis Goldstein
Lewis Goldstein
Nikoya Gonzalez
Jeffrey Pratt Gordon
Jeffrey Pratt Gordon
Jeffrey Pratt Gordon
Leslie Gordon
Dewey Graham
Chuck Grainger
Billie Greif
Ben D Griffith
P.j. Haines
Terrance Hamlin
Corey Harris
Corey Harris
Herb Harton
Albert Hedgepeth Iii
Dalton Hendrix
Sean Hepler
Montgomery Hom
Simon Horsman
Kevin Houston
Kevin Houston
Kevin Houston
Corey Howard
Stanley Hudson
Jeff Huston
Sebastian Ischer
Cal Johnson
Timothy Shane Johnson
Walter Josten
Michael Judd
Lonnie Kahoe
Al Kapone
Al Kapone
John Keating
Sean Keenan
Chris Kenneally
Jason King
Jay Klein
Taylor Knight
Ginger Knussman
Charlotte Koh
Ronald Kolman
Cerise Larkin
John Larson
Allen Lau
Amy Lavere
Amy Lavere
M C Lewis
Nathan Lindsey
Barb Livingston
Spencer Longmore
Phil Lorenz
Sabrina Luciani
Todd Luckey
Todd Luckey
Stephanie Luxenberg
Sean Lynn
Emerson Machtus
Christopher Mallick
Stephen Margolis
A Maxine Martin
Ann Mayall
Jack Mccollum
Marilyn Mccready
Brian Mccrossin
Billy Merrell
Tyler Metcalfe
Johnny Microwave
Cat Miller
Kevin Mills
Samuel Murray
Amber Nann
Gregory J Niska
Jamie Norris
Jason Offor
Andreas Olavarria
Tina Pacheco
Harry Palmer
Tim Parati
Justin Park-yanovitch
Michael Parness
Michael Parness
Mark Paton
Jojo Pelegrino
Alice M Peschl
Elana Pianko
Nia Pleasants
Jerry Pond
Chrissy Premeaux
Scott Putman
Scott Putman
Piotr Redlinski
Matthew Reedy
Joey Ricker
Lee Roberts
Jorge Flores Rodriguez
David Rogers
Scott Rosenfelt
Charles Gregory Ross
Bobby Rush
Bobby Rush
Julia Rusthoven
Denver Scaggs
Art Schultz
Glen Scott
Ryan Scott
J Shaw
Rachel Sheridan
Christian Shonts
Jennifer Shope
Corey Simon
George Sluppick
Gene Michael Smith
Paul Spaniel
Todd Spencer
Jeff Stacy
Jeff Stacy
Jeff Stacy
Gerald Stevens
Rodney Stevenson
Sammy Steward
Kara B Still
Mark K. Sullivan
Terrell Tannen
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States October 2008
Released in United States on Video February 10, 2009
Released in United States Summer August 28, 2009
Shown at Hamptons International Film Festival (Spotlight) October 15-19, 2008.
Straight-to-DVD release.
Released in United States on Video February 10, 2009
Released in United States Summer August 28, 2009
Released in United States October 2008 (Shown at Hamptons International Film Festival (Spotlight) October 15-19, 2008.)