Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Gore Verbinski
Johnny Depp
Keira Knightley
Orlando Bloom
Geoffrey Rush
Bill Nighy
Film Details
Technical Specs
Captain Jack Sparrow is caught up in another tangled web of supernatural intrigue. Although the curse of the Black Pearl has been lifted, an even more terrifying threat looms over its captain and scurvy crew: it turns out that Jack owes a blood debt to the legendary Davy Jones, Ruler of the Ocean Depths, who captains the ghostly Flying Dutchman, which no other ship can match in speed and stealth. Unless the ever-crafty Jack figures a cunning way out of this Faustian pact, he will be cursed to an afterlife of eternal servitude and damnation in the service of Jones. This startling development interrupts the wedding plans of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, who once again find themselves thrust into Jack's misadventures, leading to escalating confrontations with sea monsters, very unfriendly islanders, flamboyant soothsayer Tia Dalma and even the mysterious appearance of Will's long-lost father, Bootstrap Bill. Meanwhile, ruthless pirate hunter Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company sets his sights on retrieving the fabled "Dead Man's Chest." According to legend, whoever possesses the Dead Man's Chest gains control of Davy Jones, and Beckett intends to use this awesome power to destroy every last Pirate of the Caribbean once and for all. For times are changing on the high seas, with businessmen and bureaucrats becoming the true pirates--and freewheeling, fun-loving buccaneers like Jack and his crew threatened with extinction.
Gore Verbinski
Johnny Depp

Keira Knightley
Orlando Bloom
Geoffrey Rush
Bill Nighy

Stellan Skarsgård
Marco Khan
Vanessa Branch
Ernest Sanchez
Faouzi Brahimi
Martin Tillman
Natsuko Ohama
Winston Ellis
Alex Cong
Barry Mcevoy
Anthony Patricio
Jonathan Limbo
Mackenzie Crook
Christopher Adamson
Steven Speirs
Jim Cody Williams
David Sterne
San Shella
Ho-kwan Tse
Gerard Reyes
Simon Meacock
John Mackey
Felix Castro
David Keyes
Delores Clay
Alex Norton
Michael Levine
Frank Marocco
Bud Mathis
Michael Enright
Nej Adamson
David Zahedian
Lauren Maher
Neil Panlasigui
Luke De Woolfson
Jack Davenport
Craig Thomson
Jonathan Linsley
Naomie Harris
David Bailie
Rudolph Mccollum
Derrick O'connor
David Schofield
Dermot Keaney
Craig Eastman
Mike Haberecht
Josie Dapar

Jonathan Pryce
Hernando Molina
James Levine
John Boswall
Andy Beckwith
Tom Hollander
Jimmy Roussounis
Gerry O'brien
Georges Trillat
Fred Toft
Robbie Gee
Christopher S Capp
Matthew Bowyer
Maray Treadwell
Clive Ashborn
Kevin Mcnally
Chris Sullivan
Max Baker
Martin Klebba
Reggie Lee
Michael Miranda
Lee Arenberg
M Scott Shields
Spider Madison
Lejon O Stewart
Israel Aduramo
Mimi Abers
Gary Abrahamian
Ismail Acar
Coleen Aiello
Ada Akaji
Ulrika Akander
Jay Albury
Mark Albury
George Aleco-sima
Jennifer Alessi
Sande Alessi
Jon Alexander
Jim Alfonso
Robert Alidon
Michael Allegro
Natasha Allegro
Lisa Allen
Robert Allen
Charles Alleneck
Bashie Allie
Robert Alonzo
Ernie Alvarez
Peter Alvarez
Robert Alvarez
Joey Anaya
Courtney Andersen
Lea Anderson
Mark Anderson
Mike Anderson
Mahala Andre
Neil Andrea
Slamm Andrews
Anthony Angelotti
Andrea Anselm
Pete Anthony
Siobhan C Antoni
Audrey Anzures
Maxim Aperian
Carlos Apey
Frederick Apolito
Noby Arden
Leo Arellanes
Dana Arnold
David A Arnold
Lori Arnold
Joel Aron
Javier Arrieta
James Ashwill
Carl Assmus
Okan Ataman
David M Atkinson
Lee Auerbach
Irvince Auguiste
Gregory Augustine
Craig B Ayers
Christon Azzille
Chad Baalbergen
Trang Bach
Bob Badami
Steve Baer
Lance Baetkey
Al Bailey
Charles Bailey
Chris Bailey
Daniel Bailey
Kenneth Bailey
Peter W Bailey
Rico Bailey
Katharine Baird
Julie Hooker Baker
Sala Baker
Lorne Balfe
Michael Balog
Leigh Barbier
Misty Barbour
Brian Barlettani
Craig Tex Barnett
Brian Barnhart
Kevin Barrera
Daniel W. Barringer
Andy Rafael Barrios
Chad C Barrow
Jim Barry
Vidya Bartlett
Casey Basichis
Michael Bauer
Carol Bauman
Stuart Beattie
Robin Beauchesne
Greg Beaumonte
Steven F. Beaupre
Kathleen Beeler
Anna Belaro
Elissa Bello
Gabriel Benavidez
Vanessa Bendetti
Jeffrey Benedict
Brian Bennett
Scott Benza
Michael Berenstein
Barbara Berkery
Kevin Berlandi
Kristan Berona
Gloria Berra
Jeffrey Berrington
Andy Bertelson
David Bethell
Aj Beunot
Don Bies
Jeff Biggers
Mark Bilas
Richard E Birch
Bryan Birge
Duncan Blackman
Matthew Blackwell
Richard L Blackwell
Vaughn R Bladen
John Blake
John Blake
Joel Blanchard
Tranel Bland
Kevin Blauvelt
Matt Blea
Josh Bleibtreu
Josh Bleibtreu
Josh Bleibtreu
M Scott Blynder
Stella Bogh
James Bolt
Filip Bolton
Aron Bonar
Scott Bonnenfant
John Bonnin
Samati Boonchitsitsak
Len Borggrebe
Mauro Borrelli
David Boucher
Amie Bowe
Lucy Bowring
Christopher Boyes
Christopher Boyes
Christopher Boyes
Mike Boyle
Lance Brackett
Michael Brackin
Michael T Brady
Billy Braithwaite
Timothy Brakensiek
Ursula Brauner
Sam Breach
James F Breithaupt
Phil Brennan
Marty Brenneis
Mike Bridger
James L Brink
Dennis Britton
Thomas Broderick
Jill Brooks
Jason Brown
Marva Brown
Marva Brown
Tripp Brown
Jeanette Browning
Lance M Brozozog
Jerry Bruckheimer
Mary Samba Bruney
Ronald Bruno
Brooke Brunson
Greg Bryant
John Bryant
Tym Buacharern
Stephen Buckingham
John Bugarcic
John Bullard
Karita Burbank
Brent Burge
Debra Burgess
Kate Burgess
Steve Buring
Tj Burke
Tommy Burnette
Lisa Burnside
Christy Busby
Steve Buscaino
Steve Buscano
James Ward Byrkit
Robert Caban
Daniela Calafatello
Michaela Calanchini-carter
Greg Callas
Joanna Callas
Martha Callender
Megan Callender
Tim Calver
Dan Camins
Colin Campbell
Geoff Campbell
John Campbell
Keith Campbell
Geovanni Campos
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Wins
Best Visual Effects
Award Nominations
Set Decoration
Best Sound
Best Sound Editing
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of the 2006 award for Achievement in Special Visual Effects by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA).
Winner of the 2006 Satellite Award for Best Visual Effects by the International Press Academy (IPA).
Released in United States on Video December 5, 2006
Released in United States Summer July 7, 2006
Sequel to Walt Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" (USA/2003) starring Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley, directed by Gore Verbinski and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.
Winner of six 2006 awards including Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects Driven Motion Picture, Best Single Visual Effect of the Year, Outstanding Performance by an Animated Character in a Live Action Motion Picture, Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Motion Picture, Outstanding Models and Miniatures in a Motion Picture and Outstanding Compositing in a Motion Picture by the Visual Effects Society (VES).
Released in United States Summer July 7, 2006
Released in United States on Video December 5, 2006
Shoots simultaneously with Pirates of the Caribbean 3.