Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Zach Helm
Dustin Hoffman
Natalie Portman
Jason Bateman
Zachary Mills
Ted Ludzik
Film Details
Technical Specs
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium is the strangest, most fantastic, most wonderful toy store in the world. In fact, it's a magic toy store and everything in it comes to life--including the store itself. The emporium asks only one thing of its customers--you must believe it to see it.
Zach Helm

Dustin Hoffman

Natalie Portman
Jason Bateman
Zachary Mills
Ted Ludzik
Taryn Turney
Kathryn Greenwood
Madalena Brancatella
Paula Boudreau
Mike Realba
Steve Whitmire
Liam Powley-webster
Marcia Bennett
Oliver Masuda
Samantha Harvey
Jesse Bostick
Isaac Durnford
Daniel Gordon
Rebecca Northan
Dash Grundy
Dylan Authers
Aidan Koper
Lin Lin Feng
He Wen
Gan Zhen
Quancetia Hamilton
Matt Baram
Jonathan Potts
Matthew Peart
David Rendall
Kiele Sanchez
David Collins
Michael Costa-parke
Milo Gladstein
Dylan Authors
Patricia Abarca Medina
Darleen Abbott
Kevin Alanthwaite
Christine Albers
Scott Alexander
Krista Allain
Samantha Armstrong
Vashti Arthur
Taryn Ash
Paul Aulicino
Jeff Authors
Bruce Babcock
Courtenay Bainbridge
Fermin Balado
Cassandra Barbour
Manon Barriault
Olga Baulina
Bryan Bayley
Jerry Beaudrow
Bob Beemer
Maria Belperio
Danny Bergeron
Christine Bergren
David Best
Melissa Best
David Bolton
Stefanie Boose
Jason Booth
Jelmer Boskma
Frederic Boulin
Romain Bouvard
Jennifer Hineman Brannon
Brent Breedveld
Ciara Brennan
Brendan Bresnahan
Cameron Brooke
Robert C Brooke
Collingwood Brown
Pierre Buffin
Julien Buisseret
Kate Bulpitt
Ron Bunt
Laura Gene Bussinger
Jonathan Butchard
Jeremy Buttell
Stephen Byrne
Luisa Cabiddu
Maureen Callaghan
Corinne Candelier
Michael Carella
Carlos Carpintero
Michael Carr
Kris Carson
James Carver
Camille Cellucci
Egor Chashchin
Dominic Cheung
Tim Christensen
Pauline Chung
Martin Ciastko
Harry Cohen
Karen Cohen
Angelo Colavecchia
Angelo Colavecchia
Connie Contardi
Stephanie Contardi
Robin D. Cook
Mike Corazza
Dave Di Corpo
Anne Coulet
Sebastien Cravoisier
Mark Cyre
Guillaume Danset
Michael Davis
Sandy De Crescent
Angela De Palma
Lou Decampo
Marty Dejczak
Tyler Delben
Daniel Delpurgatorio
Damien Delrue
Gary Deneault
Therese Deprez
Marc Deschaine
Robert Deschane
Alexandre Desplat
Alexandre Desplat
Louis Desrochers
Ben Deutsch
Wally Dibacco
Todd Doldersum
Melanie Donkers
Adriana Doria
Seann Dougherty
Terry Doyle
David Paul Dozoretz
Joe Drake
Roman Draygalin
Tony Eldridge
Paul Ens
Leonid Ermoshin
Rhoneil Eurchuc
Jerome Evelette
Joe Everett
Maxim Evgrafov
Nicolas Evrard
Mike Fagundes
David Farant
Beau Ferris
Matt Ficner
Helen Field
Rex Fields
Brody Fikker
Etienne Fleurant
Rob Foster
Rita Foung
Tarn Fox
Michel Frenette
Wendy Gaboury
Howard Galbraith
Michael Galbraith
Jim Garavente
Matthew Garland
Glen Gauthier
Caroline Gee
Devadas George
Guy Gervais
Matt Giampa
Raymond Gieringer
Gerri Gillan
Ivan Girard
Richard Gladstein
Chris Glover
Mark Goldberg
Brandt Gordon
Doug Graham
Anton Gridchin
Chloe Grysole
Michael Hackenberger
Michael Hackenberger
Robin Hackl
John Haddon
Emily Halfon
Barbara A Hall
Roslyn Hanchard
Justin Harder
Raelene Harder
Trevor Harder
Christopher Hargadon
Barbara Harris
Tomas Hartl
Kevin Tod Haug
Jennifer Heimpel
Jeff Heintzman
Zach Helm
Norm Henderson
Jerry Hey
Dan Higgins
Babette Hines
Alex Hooper
Stuart Hughes
Vladimir Iustinov
Jim Jaffe
David Jaquest
Julien Jobard
Amanda Mackey Johnson
Robert Johnson
Joseph P Johnston
Chloe Jones
Ciara Jones
Dana Jones
Michael K Jones
Thomas Jore
William Joyce
Steven Juliani
Nathan Kahane
Nathan Kahane
Keith Kanhai
Steve Kempster
Drew Khan
Sergey Khasanov
Anne Kim
Min Young Kim
Patrick Kirst
Zameret Kleiman
Irina Klimova
Alyssa Kling
Lev Kolobov
Kelli Konop
Irina Kovtun
Alain Lachance
Decker Ladouceur
Victor Lakisov
Alain Lalanne
Bernie Lalonde
Wendy Lanning
Ted Lao
Doug Lavender
Charles Le Guen
Michel Leblanc
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall November 16, 2007
Released in United States on Video March 4, 2008
Drew Barrymore previously attached to star.
Previously set up at Fox 2000 with Drew Barrymore attached to produce through Flower Films and Harold Ramis attached to produce through Weekend Films.
Feature film directorial debut for Zach Helm.
Released in United States Fall November 16, 2007
Released in United States on Video March 4, 2008