Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Frank Passingham
Arthur Dick
Tristan Fry
Heidi Myers
Chevy Chase
Eric Robinson
Film Details
Technical Specs
Legend tells of three magic diamonds that--if in the wrong hands--can be united to create a force powerful enough to freeze the sun. When the evil sorcerer Zeebad escapes from his ancient prison, he vows to exact revenge by deep-freezing the earth forever. Determined to save the world, a fellowship of four unlikely heroes band together to foil the sorcerer's villainous plot. Led by the candy-loving mutt Doogal, friends Dylan, Brian and Ermintrude all embark on an epic adventure to save the world. In order to find the diamonds before Zeebad locates them, they must climb icy mountains, navigate fiery pits of molten lava, sail across vast oceans and pass through a booby-trapped temple guarded by an army of ninja skeleton warriors. Along the way they learn that the most powerful weapon is their friendship--which even Zeebad's evil magic cannot destroy.
Arthur Dick
Tristan Fry
Heidi Myers

Chevy Chase
Eric Robinson
Daniel Tay

Whoopi Goldberg

William H. Macy
Ian Thomas

Judi Dench
Jon Stewart
Laurence Cottle
Kevin Smith
Janice Graham
Mark Robson
John Krasinski

Bill Hader
Cory Edwards
Ian Mckellen
Brendan Power
Kylie Minogue
Jimmy Fallon
Catherine Bott
Remy Alexandrian
Emmanuel Allasia
Emmanuel Allasia
Jean-marc Ariu
Remi Arquier
Dany Asselin
Christopher Assells
Vincent Baertson
Karen M. Baker
Ron Barr
Alban Barre
Jeff Barry
Tracy Bartlett
Dan Beal
Valentine Beaulieu
Leo Beker
Leo Beker
Robert Bella
Alexandre Bermond
Pierre Bernat
Frederic Beroujon
Armand Billault
Armand Billault
Gwendal Blondel
Dominique Boidin
Pierre-luc Boily
Frederic Bonometti
Daniel Borenstein
Pascale Bories
Pascale Bories
Farid Boughanmi
David Boulton
Bob Bowan
Emilie Boyard
Brian Boyd
Clive Brill
Steven Browell
Jada Budrick
Joseph Bullock
Peter Burgis
Eddie Bydalek
John Campuzano
Nicolas Carzola
Florent Cellai
Florent Cellai
Florent Cellai
Elisee Cesarotti
David Chaix
David Chaix
David Chaix
Francois Chancrin
Carole Charraud
Krissopher Chevannes
Marc Chevry
Marc Chevry
Marc Chevry
Lionel Chrysanthou
Andy Chua
James Chulrim
Graham Clark
Philippe Clark
Dominique Coco
James Collins
Douglas Cooper
Laurence Cottle
David Couchariere
David Couchariere
Tom Dalgety
Martine Danot
Serge Danot
Paul Bassett Davies
John M Davis
Matthew Daw
Chris Delaguardia
Gaelle Delcourt
Renaud Delcuze
Loic Delorenzi
Andie Derrick
Mark Desimone
Beatrice Desperrier
Beatrice Desperrier
Marc Di Nocera
Marc Di Nocera
Dino Dimuro
Andrew Dudman
Jay Duerr
Damien Dufresne
Jean Duval
Jean Duval
Jake Eberts
Sebastien Ebzant
Dan Edelstein
Tom Edge
Daniel Esperanssa
Alexandre Espigares
Alexandre Espigares
Jimmy Fallon
Ashley Farber
Robert Farr
Pierre-marie Fenech
Vincent Fortin
Jennifer Freed
Philip Mark Freudenfeld
Lilian Fuentefria
Lilian Fuentefria
Nadege Fuentefria
Benoit Gagne
Brian Gallagher
Jean-francois Gallant
Ran Galor
Christian Garland
Fabrice Garulli
Fabrice Garulli
Tim Gatena
Jonathan Germain
Dominic Gibbs
Dominic Gibbs
Dominic Gibbs
Whoopi Goldberg
Claude Gorsky
Claude Gorsky
Matthew Gough
Janice Graham
William Gregoire
Scott Gregory
Berengere Guistini
Franz Hackl
Per Hallberg
Steve Hancock
Butch Hartman
Steven Haun
Alistair Hawkins
Mark Hayes
Roland Heap
Nigel Heath
Dan Hegeman
Mo Henry
Bruch Higham
John Hirota
Noel Hocquet
Francois Hogue
Alexis Hoskins
Dave Hubert
Jocelyn Hudon
Pascale Iribane
Francois Ivernel
Stefano Januzzo
Philippe Jarland
Bobby Johanson
Robert Johnson
Davis Jones
Shawn Jones
Djibrill Kane
Liz Keynes
Robert Killick
Andy Kim
Alistair King
Alistair King
Alistair King
Abigail Louise Kirkbride
Dan Korintus
Brian Kun
Laurent Laban
Stephanie Lambrou
Philippe Langlois
Benjamin Lauwick
Benjamin Lauwick
Patrick Le Bayon
Patrick Le Bayon
Bernard Lebel
Jean-philippe Leclercq
Marie Lefebvre
Ron Leidelmeijer
Andrew Leighton
Yoann Lepesme
Yoann Lepesme
Francis Lindsay
Lucette Loeb
Dave Lomino
William Lyall
Jeff Lynne
Fabrice Macagno
Francois Madere
Dirk Maggs
Philippe Magnin-robert
Sirish Malde
Jeremie Mamo
Jeremie Mamo
Matteo Manganelli
Craig Mann
Etienne Marc
Linda Marks
Scrap Marshall
Olivier Martin
James Mather
Rodney Matthews
Jeff Maynard
Cameron Mccracken
Frederic Merle
Frederic Merle
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter February 24, 2006
Released in United States on Video May 16, 2006
Stems from the French television series "The Magic Roundabout" (1965-75), which aired on the BBC. Created by Serge Danot in 1965, in its French incarnation the show was entitled "Le Manege Enchante."
Released in United States Winter February 24, 2006
Released in United States on Video May 16, 2006