Cast & Crew
R. William Neill
Grant Mitchell
Margaret Irving
Gertrude Hillman
W. H. Burton
Isabelle Vernon
Film Details
Technical Specs

With the prize money he receives for an article on Einstein, inventor Arthur Wyman works on a radio with which he hopes to communicate with Mars. He does see Martians--grotesque individuals with large heads for their oversize brains--who prove their existence by telling him how to turn coal into diamonds and clay into gold. Arthur awakens, realizes that he has been dreaming, and becomes very bitter at what he considers his failure, but Mary Langdon encourages him, and Arthur perfects a tickless alarm clock.

R. William Neill

Grant Mitchell
Margaret Irving
Gertrude Hillman
W. H. Burton
Isabelle Vernon
J. D. Walsh
J. Burke
Peggy Smith
Betty Borders
Alice Effinger
Peggy Williams

Film Details
Technical Specs

"Originally shown [27 December 1922] under the title 'Mars' ... as a demonstration of the Teleview. The film has been retitled, cut and reissued." (Exhibitors Trade Review, August 4, 1923, p432.) The Teleview "is a device which resembles the old-fashioned stereoscope. ... It is explained that the glass used in the 'Teleview' is ordinary window glass, the effect being obtained by a revolving shutter arrangement operated by a small motor concealed in the equipment. ... The 'Teleview' pictures are taken with a camera with two lenses. When viewed by the naked eye they are blurred and vague. Through the machine they are remarkably clear but seem restricted to small projection space." (Variety, January 5, 1923, p42.)