Harlan County War
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Tony Bill
Charlotte Arnold
Chris Gillett
Tom Harvey
Joan Gregson
Stellan Skarsgård
Film Details
Technical Specs
A courageous coal miner's wife overcomes politics, poverty and violence in spearheading a bloody year-long labor strike. This fictional story, set against the historical background of the 1970s Harlan County coal strike, centers around Ruby Kincaid, who despite concern by her husband Silas, forms a picket line with other wives to bolster efforts to close the mine and force labor contract negotiations. Assisted by union organizer Warren Jakopovich, Ruby confronts corrupt political influences in refusing to surrender in the tense, increasingly dangerous battle of wills.
A biased judge forbids the strikers from obstructing the mine entrance or having more than three picketers on the line. Arrested on the picket line with their children in tow, Ruby and the other women strikers are jailed, an incident Jakopovich utilizes to attract media attention. The strike enters its fifth month and picketers begin to dwindle in the cold of winter. With the situation growing desperate, Ruby and Jakopovich begin a grassroots effort to recruit the support of retired miners in the surrounding hill country. Tensions soon erupt into violence. With the outcome of the strike hanging in the balance, a shocking incident brings national attention to the miners' crusade leading to a bittersweet victory for them and their families.

Tony Bill
Charlotte Arnold
Chris Gillett
Tom Harvey
Joan Gregson

Stellan Skarsgård
Ken Whiteley

Holly Hunter
Ted Levine

Richard Greene
Bernard Kay
Briar Boake
Jillian Hart
Robert Seeliger
Reginald Doresa
Jennifer Irwin
Hugo Dann
Ingrid Veniger
Ker Wells
Kirsten Kieferle
John Jarvis
Alex House
Wayne Robson
Cliff Saunders
Ray Kahnert
Rufus Crawford
Doug Lennox
Joanne Boland
Paulette Sinclair
Lynne Griffin
Neil Foster
Tim Burd
Deborah Pollitt
Jim Beardon
John Andersen
Margaret Lamarre
Roger Dunn
Bruce Mcfee
Peter Spence
Helen Hughes
Patricia Vanstone
Geoffrey Pounsett
Tom Barnett
Leslie Carlson
Dan Abboud
Nick Alachiotis
Kevin Allan
Carrie Angland
David Aulicino
Matt Badger
David Bailey
Vincent Borg
Gary Bourgeois
Darren Boyce
Anna Boynton
Colin Brunton
Phil Calambakas
John Carr
Matt Cartonis
Don Chan
Chris Ciaffa
Robert Cort
John Coupland
Peter Cox
Catherine Currie
Anna Dal Farra
Mike Davies
Terri Dehaan
Bob Deshaine
Jim Desroches
David Divenanzo
Dwight Doerksen
Dwight Doerksen
Darren Doyle
Rick Dubeau
Donna Dupere-taylor
Sarah Fairbairn
Tom Farr
Jimmy Scungelli Fitzpatrick
Michael Forrester
Michael Genereux
Shane Gillan
Jeffrey Ginn
Jill Girling
Stephanie Gorin
Vlad Gregorian
Jamie Hodson
Ben Mark Holzberg
Garry Honcharuk
Axel Hubert
Barbara Issak
Yasmeen Jalali
Jeremy Jemec
Brock Jolliffe
Trevor Jolly
Jamie Jones
Winnifred Jong
Ross Kerr
Jennifer Kiefaber
Dennis Kim
Stacey Knocker
Flavio M Labiano
Phil Lanthier
Roger Laprairie
Erika Larner
Miriam Laurence
Phil Leach
Paul Leblanc
Paul Lenart
Aaron Levy
Billy Linders
Neil Lum Lock
Brandon Long
Ao Loo
Diane Lucas
Neil Lumlock
Stephen Lynch
Jocelyn Macdonald
David Madden
Mike Marchain
Jim Mauro
Jerome Mccann
Resa Mcconaghy
Renay Mcgowan
Sarah Mcintosh
Kent Mcintyre
Dwayne Mclean
David Melhase
Maureen Mestan
Jessica Meyer
Mike Milliken
Brian Thomas Mist
Rick Mitchell
Regan Moore
Patricia Nedd
Myron Nettinga
Vince Nicastro
David Niven
Michael O'hara
Ralph Osborn
Nancy Parker
Richard Parker
Van Dyke Parks
Brad Payton
Bryan Pennington
Susan Pilcher
Geoff Pope
Ed Queffelec
Cindy Rabideau
Robert Racki
Chris Reeves
Allison Reid
Bryan Renfro
Robert C Rodriguez
Mimi Rogers
Heather Ross
Brian Ruberg
Paul Rutledge
Moshe Saadon
Helen Scott
Warren Scott
Carl Sealove
Keri Selig
B E Sharp
Evan Siegel
Evan Siegel
Peter Silverman
Brendan Smith
Hassan Smith
Jennifer Smithee
Michael Spicer
Greg Steele
Mary Ann Stevens
Sheelagh Stewart
James Tamblyn
Richard Taylor
William Thrasher
Patrick Tidy
Chad Tomasoski
Hanna Tower
Tami Treadwell
Paul Van Der Linden
Dave Van Zeyl
Jon Vanseader
Andres Vosu
David Watts
Scott Wolf
Steve Young
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Aired in United States June 4, 2000
Released in United States on Video August 7, 2001
Began shooting August 30, 1999.
Completed shooting October 5, 1999.