Don't Say A Word
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Gary Fleder
Colm Magner
Brittany Murphy
Shawn Doyle
Larry Block
Skye Mccole Bartusiak
Film Details
Technical Specs
Preeminent New York psychiatrist Dr. Nathan Conrad has a successful practice, a beautiful wife and a charming daughter. Making his way home for the Thanksgiving holiday, Conrad is summoned by a colleague to examine a young woman. Elisabeth Burrows presents a history of unexplained violence, failed treatments and misdiagnoses. In short, the kind of case Nathan used to live for before he went 'uptown.' Now he is Elisabeth's last chance before she is shipped off to a state institution. Nathan's skills and intuition begin to make headway into Elisabeth's case. Little does Nathan suspect that Elisabeth is tied to a danger that has closed in on him and his family. Nathan's daughter has been kidnapped by ruthless thieves, and to save her he must somehow unlock a 6-digit number locked away in Elisabeth's troubled mind. With his daughter's captors watching his every move, Nathan is constantly reminded: if he wants to see his daughter alive, he dare not say a single word.
Gary Fleder
Colm Magner
Brittany Murphy
Shawn Doyle
Larry Block
Skye Mccole Bartusiak
Paul Schulze
Darren Frost
Judy Sinclair
Philip Williams
Jennifer Esposito
Sam Montesano
Martin Roach
Cyrus Farmer
Lance Reddick
Sean Bean
Conrad Goode
Carlos Caneca
Oliver Platt
Guy Torry
Lucie Laurier
Louis Vanaria
Daniel Kash
Philip Dewilde
Aidan Devine
David Weinman
Patricia Mauceri
Isabella Fink
David Warshofsky
Alex Campbell
Ray Iannicelli
Arlene Duncan

Michael Douglas
Famke Janssen
Victor Argo
Zoe Abbott
Peter Afterman
Kevin Alakas
Robert Albertell
Kenny Alexander
Lara Alexander
Fran Allgood
Gary Alper
Bill Anagnos
Heather Anderson
Fabian Andre
Marlene Arvan
Michael Authier
David M. Barrett
Ron Bartlett
Michael Bauer
Benjamin Beardwood
David Bell
Dr. Robert Berger
Bruce Berman
Dick Bernstein
Nicholas Bernstein
Paul Berta
Pierre Berube
James R Bilz
James Binkley
Matt Birman
Nicole Blanchard
Glenn Bloom
Jason Board
Joan G. Bostwick
Cyndi Brennan
James Brown
James Brown
James Douglas Brown
Patrick Buchanan
Paul Bucossi
Pete Bucossi
Kristine Bulakowski
Cori Burchell
Ronald J. Burke
Gary Burritt
Keith Calfano
Tom Carlson
Dr. Donald Carveth
Caroline Case
Ray Charles
Andy Chmura
Billy D Choi
Tom Cioccio
Kevin Clark
Jessica Clements
Nelson Coates
John Coffen
Harry Cohen
Nat King Cole
Christopher Comrie
Amy Comstock
Robin D. Cook
Ciaran Copelin
Cristin Cornett
Jennifer Cote
Bradley Crosbie
Colin Cumberbatch
Dennis Davenport
Sandy De Crescent
Isabel Debiasio
Marty Dejczak
Tyler Delben
Gilbert Demers
Mike Dike
Avril Dishaw
Walter Donaldson
Philip Douglas
Norman Douglass
Linda Dowds
Jeffrey Downer
Richard Dwan
Gordon Eldridge
Duke Ellington
Mike Fabiano
Tom Farr
Michael Fennimore
Frank Ferrara
Richard Fiander
C J Fidler
Dawn Fisher
Mo Fitzgerald
Jamie K Fitzpatrick
Paul Flinchbaugh
Rick Forsayeth
David Fremlin
Lisa Frucht
Michael Galbraith
Mara Galus
Ellen Gannon
Julie Garneau
Glen Gauthier
Errol Gee
Chris Geggie
Ava Gerlitz
Ava Gerlitz
Scott Gershin
Nerses Gezalyan
Beth Gilinsky
Gerri Gillan
John Glaser
Jeff Glueck
Heather Goodchild
Mark S Gordon
Elizabeth Gray
Frank Graziadei
Michael Green
Nana Greenwald
Marc Griffin
Joe Grimaldi
Bob Hall
R L Hannah
Michael Harland
Bill Harman
Joe Hartwick
Janice Hayen
Jery Hewitt
Curtis Hibbert
Robert Hicks
Wendy Hoffmann
Eric Holmes
Daniel Horvat
Dawn Howat
Ian Hunter
Mark Isham
Jason Ivey
Craig Jaeger
David Jaquest
Kim Jennings
Nils Johnson
Gus Kahn
Avy Kaufman
Patrick Smith Kelly
Randy Kelly
Michael Kirilenko
Steve Kirshoff
Andrew Klavan
Andrew Klavan
Andrew Klavan
Steve Klys
Jeremy Knaster
M D Kohne
Mayumi Konishi
Anne Kopelson
Arnold Kopelson
Stephen Krause
David Kudell
Ken Kugler
Brett La Vinthal
Cheryl Ladrillo
Bernie Lalonde
Jennifer Lamb
Chuck Lariot
Jason Larocca
Jack Lavangia
Helena Lea
Paul Leblanc
Steve Lecescu
Wayne T Leonard
Lindsey Liberatore
Tim Lidstone
Mitch Lillian
Danny Lima
Tone Loc
Deanna Longley
Sean Longley
Cal Loucks
Grant Lucibello
Elizabeth Ludwick
Kevin Maccarthy
John A Machione
Rod Macneil
Mark Mancina
Michael Manzato
Aleks Marinkovich
Darren Marsman
Una Martin
Chris Mathers
John Mazzola
Ron Mazzola
Terry Mcgauran
Mike Mcgrath
David Mcgroarty
Dave Mcilroy
Michael J Meade
Tim Merkel
Timothy Metivier
Brian Miksis
Brad Milburn
Arnon Milchan
Armen Minasian
Michael Minkler
Ellen Mirojnick
Stuart Mitchell
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall September 28, 2001
Released in United States on Video February 19, 2002
Began shooting December 8, 2000.
Completed shooting April 1, 2001.
Released in United States on Video February 19, 2002
Released in United States Fall September 28, 2001