Joe Gould's Secret
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Stanley Tucci
Jack O'connell
John Peck Allmond
Ian Holm
Ted Blumberg
Gordon Joseph Weiss
Film Details
Technical Specs
Set in New York City during the 1940s and 50s, a time when artists and writers often gathered together in a neighborhood called Greenwich Village, this is the true story of the friendship between famed New Yorker writer Joseph Mitchell and bohemian Joe Gould, a self-proclaimed scholar of the NYC streets. Yankee born and Harvard educated, the disheveled Gould's life's work is "The Oral History of Our Time," a transcription of hundreds of conversations, remarks, and essays about what he has seen and heard. Meanwhile, he's chronically jobless and depends on contributions to the "Joe Gould Fund" from friends and well-wishers. After Mitchell writes about him in The New Yorker, Gould becomes a minor celebrity. Their relationship grows more intense over the years as Mitchell becomes the keeper of Joe Gould's secret.
Stanley Tucci
Jack O'connell
John Peck Allmond
Ian Holm
Ted Blumberg
Gordon Joseph Weiss
Nell Campbell (little Nell)
Tom Joseph Foral
Lauren Ward
Harry Bugin
Hallee Hirsh

Susan Sarandon
Jessica Walling
Justine Johnston
Celia Weston
Helen Campo
Aida Turturro
Sarah Hyland
Peter Francis James
Maxine Neuman
Timothy Metzger
Andre Belgrader
Patrick Tovatt
Jerry Mayer
Julie Halston
Laura Hughes
Gabor Morea
John Tormey
Evan Lurie

Steve Martin

Hope Davis
Stanley Tucci
Richard Litt
Mark Cassella
David Wohl
Vivian Israel-barkai
Ben Jones
Merwin Goldsmith
Alice Drummond
Ben Shenkman
Ron Ryan
Patricia Clarkson
Katy Hansz
Allan Corduner
Leigh Carlson
James O'hanlon
Alan Aguilar
Maryse Alberti
Elizabeth W. Alexander
Gina R. Alfano
Stuart Allen
Jill E Anderson
Thomas M Anderson
Rudy Arietta
Louis Armstrong
Johann Sebastian Bach
Josephine Baker
William Baker
Antony Baldasare
Johnny Batista
Alison Benson
Bunny Berigan
Irving Berlin
Julie A. Bloom
Leslie T Bono
David Boulton
Idris Braithwaite
Joseph Buonocore Jr.
Don Byas
David Carbonara
H Carmichael
James Casey
Ben Cheah
Eric Cheripka
Betty Chin
Kathleen Chopin
Eric Christoffersen
Greg Cohen
Wendy Cohen
Al Cohn
Perry Como
Fran Corbacho
Tom Costabile
Marko Costanzo
Linda Covello
Jim Cox
Kelley Cribben
Keith Croket
Catherine Davis
Victor De Nicola
Beatrice Dealba
Jon Delgado
Chris Dillon
James Donahue
Robert T Donovan
Tom Downey
Robert Dwyer
Kate Eales
Ann Edgeworth
James Edmiston
Edward James Egan
Karen C Eide
Suzy Elmiger
Drive Entertainment
Jennifer Euston
Robert Featherstone
Doug Fecht
Lou Ferrioli
John B Finn
Brian Fitzsimons
Ray Flynn
Mary Gambardella
Dennis Gamiello
Kim Gannon
Sarah Rae Garrett
Joseph Garzero
Abbot Genser
Terry Gibbs
Harvey Goldberg
Mikey Greenberg
John Grimolizzi
Tim Guffin
Denise Gurkas
Elizabeth Haelig
Philip Hamburger
Sandy Hamilton
Ron Haney
Ford Harris
Joanna Hartell
Coleman Hawkins
Richard Hebrank
Robert Hein
Michael Herlihy
Woody Herman
Sam Hoffman
Sean Hogan
Ian Holm
Larry E Horodner
Molly Hughes
Sam Hutchins
Joni Huth
Edward Iacobelli
Edward Iacobelli
Ray Iacobelli
Andrew Jackness
Susan Jacobs
Sondra James
Borys Jarymovych
Gus Kahn
Norman Kahn
Henry Kaplan
Dennis Kelly
Stuart Kelly
Frank Kern
Cheryl Kilbourne-kimpton
Michael C Kingsley
Nicole Klett
Robert Lapine
George Lara
Tom Lazarus
Kurt Lennig
George Leong
Ellen Lewis
Michael Lieber
Clayton Liotta
Edward W Lowry
Evan Lurie
Evan Lurie
Evan Lurie
Bruce Maccallum
Reynold Maher
Matty Malneck
Mark Mann
Fay Whitman Manus
Alex Marlin
Robert Marsh
Jennifer Martley
Michael Maurer
Alexandra Mazur
Steve Mcauliff
Jim Mcconkey
Sheila Mcgrath
Kent Mcgrew
Mike Meador
Geoffrey Menin
Geoffrey Menin
Sylvia Menno
Peter A Mian
Helen Miller
Kiersten Pilar Miller
Elizabeth Mitchell
Joseph Mitchell
Monique Mitchell
Tim Monich
Beth Moran
Richard W Murphy
William Murphy
Ted Nash
Sam Neave
Quang Nguyen
Tjamal Noni
Jesse Nye
Brian O'neill
Robert P O'neill
Rita Ogden
Gilbert E Ory
Daniel W Palmer
Rocco Palmieri
Charlie Parker
Ginnie Patton
Jacqueline Payne
Louis Petraglia
Mike Phillips
Juliet Polcsa
Lauren Press
Chris Purificato
Phil Purificato
James Quinn
Scott Ramsey
Bingham Ray
Monica Reder
Ulli Reichhold
Julie Reifers
Marco Ribaldi
Olimpia T Rinaldi
Howard A. Rodman
Shea Rowan
Jac Rubinstein
Fiona Rudin
Melanie Ryder
Nora Mitchell Sanborn
William Sarokin
Ariel Saulog
John Schmidt
Robert W Schmitt
Josh Schneider
Mark Schwentner
Janos Sebestyen
Andrea Seligmann
Frank Signorelli
Mark Singer
Addy Smith
Darryl A Smith
Ethan Smith
Patricia Sprott
Alexa Steele
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring April 7, 2000
Expanded Release in United States April 14, 2000
Released in United States on Video September 26, 2000
Released in United States January 2000
Released in United States November 2000
Shown at London Film Festival (Film on the Square) November 1-16, 2000.
Began shooting March 15, 1999.
Completed shooting April 30, 1999.
Released in United States Spring April 7, 2000
Expanded Release in United States April 14, 2000
Released in United States on Video September 26, 2000
Released in United States January 2000 (Shown at Sundance Film Festival (Premieres) January 20-30, 2000.)
Released in United States November 2000 (Shown at London Film Festival (Film on the Square) November 1-16, 2000.)