The World Is Not Enough

Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Michael Apted
Pierce Brosnan
Sophie Marceau
Robert Carlyle
Denise Richards
Judi Dench
Film Details
Technical Specs
Sir Robert King, an oil magnate friend of James Bond (Agent 007), is murdered during a bombing at his M16 Headquarters. The tycoon's only heir, the beautiful Elektra King, inherits billions of dollars worth of oil deposits in the Caspian sea--as well as some very unwanted attention. Elektra is threatened with the same deadly fate as her father, unless she changes the route of Sir Robert's proposed pipeline. Feeling somewhat responsible for the death, as he was unable to fully secure M16 from the bomb, Bond takes on the role of bodyguard for Elektra. Now the world's oil supply is in peril as 007 battles the assassin, Renard, a rabid anti-capitalist terrorist. He is a hateful, dying, psychopath who feels no pain, due to the fact that he lives with a bullet lodged in his brain. Renard is intent on using the resources of King Enterprises as revenge against his hated enemies at M16. Bond must race to defuse this international power struggle with the world's oil supply hanging in the balance, aware that he's the only man who can take the heat between a beautiful heiress, a malicious sociopath, and a world-threatening diabolical plan.
Pierce Brosnan
Sophie Marceau
Robert Carlyle
Denise Richards

Judi Dench

John Cleese
Michael Kitchen
Justus Von Dohnanyi
Colin Salmon
John Seru
Carl Mccrystal
John Albasiny
David Calder
Desmond Llewelyn
Maria Grazia-cucinotta
Kourosh Asad
Robbie Coltrane
Serena Scott Thomas
Jeff Nuttall
Patrick Malahide
Nina Muschallik
Diran Meghreblian
Peter Mehtab
Samantha Bond
Patrick Romer
Ulrich Thomsen
Martin Lewis
Jimmy Roussounis
Omid Djalili
Claude-oliver Rudolph
Daz Crawford
Hassani Shapi
Daisy Beaumont
Andrew Ackland-snow
Marco Aguilar
Ali Akdeniz
Iain Anderson
Joseph Aquilina
David Arkell
Dave Arnold
David Arnold
David Arnold
Martin Asbury
Simon Askey
Peter Aston
Bahadir Atay
Jamie Baker
Javier Balaguer
Helen Ball
Terry Bamber
Jolyon Bambridge
James Barr
Jean-pierre Bassin
Joanna Beckett
John Benn
Bi Benton
John Bernard
Mark Beverton
Alex Bicknell
Adrian Biddle
Adrian Biddle
Ian Biggs
Mike Bishop
Don Black
Nigel Blake
John Blakeley
David Boardman
Charles Bodycomb
Peter Bohanna
Pierre Bohanna
Yousaf Bokhari
Peter Bond
Mike Boone
David Bottrill
John Brace
Stephen Bream
Terry Bridle
Barbara Broccoli
Christopher Brosnan
Richard Brown
Steve Brown
Mara Bryan
Inma Cabrero
Manuel L Canizares
Sue Cardin
Michael A Carter
Sharon Cartwright
Anna Cassina
Gilles Castera
Marc Cauvy
Jason Chalmers
Jatinderpal Chohan
Paul Clancy
Nikki Clapp
James Clark
Temple Clark
John Cochrane
Ed Colyer
Paul Conway
Gary Coulter
Bryn Court
Caroline Coward
Robert Cowper
Francis Coz
Simon Crane
Steve Crawley
David Croucher
Sean Danischevsky
William Dawson
Linda De Vetta
Pascal Declerq
Gregoire Delage
Jesus Delgado
Keith Devlin
Geoff Dibben
Gavin Digby
Nicholas Dodd
Peter Dorme
Kate Dowd
Sheila Dunn
Keith Dyett
Dina Eaton
Sander Ellers
Michael Elson
David Eltham
Simon Emanuel
Kristin Emblem
Fred Evans
Martin Evans
David Eves
Bruce Feirstein
Dan Ferrer
Carlos Fidel
Peter Field
Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming
Geoff Foster
Mike Frift
Caroline Garrett
Gerry Gavigan
Chris Gibbons
Dominic Gibbs
Kevin Gilmartin
Nigel Goldsack
Dan Grace
John Grant
John Greaves
Pauline Griffiths
Darrell Guyon
Hilary Haines
James Hambridge
Christine Harding
Nigel Hardwidge
Hugh Harlow
Matthew Harlow
Mark Harris
Graham V Hartstone
Ed Hawkins
Chris Hayes
John Hayward
Lindy Hemming
Allan Hewitt
Steve Hilton
Fred Hole
John Holmes
Peter Holt
Robin Huffer
Martin Hume
Trevor Ingman
Colin Jamison
Jan Jamison
Chas Jarrett
Andrew Jeffery
Don Joce
Patsy Johnson
Alan Jones
Hayden Jones
Andy Kennedy
Martin Kenzie
Risa Kes
Daniel Kleinman
David Knowles
Philip Kohler
Carol Kupisz
Rebecca Lafford
James Lamb
Michael Lamont
Neil Lamont
Peter Lamont
Simon Lamont
Stefan Lange
Sharon Lark
Dominic Lavery
Steven Lawrence
Mark Layton
Jean-yves Le Caijne
Tim Leblanc
Steven Lewis
Tim Lewis
Darren Litten
Richard Little
Chris Livett
Stephen Lloyd
Russell Lodge
Linda Lowy
James Machin
Andrew Macritchie
Terry Madden
David Man
Sharon Mansfield
Simon Marsden
John Marzano
Helen Mattocks
Sean Mccabe
Pete Mclaughlin
Barry Mcqueary
Debbie Mcwilliams
Elliott Meddings
Jake Mengers
Janine Modder
Lisa 'elizabeth' Moore
Stephen Morahan
Gregory Morgan
Richard Morris
Chris Munro
Ian Munro
Charlie Muspratt
Chas Newens
Eric Nicholas
Nigel Nixon
Clare Norman
Monty Norman
Peter Notley
Film Details
Technical Specs
The World is Not Enough

The World is Not Enough
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall November 19, 1999
Released in United States on Video May 16, 2000
Began shooting January 11, 1999.
Completed shooting June 26, 1999.
Released in United States Fall November 19, 1999
Released in United States on Video May 16, 2000