In the Mouth of Madness
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
John Carpenter
Sam Neill
Jurgen Prochnow
Charlton Heston
Julie Carmen
Kevin Rushton
Film Details
Technical Specs
Sutter Cane is this century's most widely read author. His novels have been translated into 18 different languages, and spawned a billion dollar industry. When Cane vanishes just days before he's expected to deliver his latest manuscript, his publisher Jackson Harglow hires John Trent to investigate his mysterious disappearance. With the writer's fans whipped into a public frenzy, Trent believes the case is nothing but an ill conceived publicity stunt--until he and Cane's editor, Linda Styles, travel to New England in search of clues. There, they wind up in a town called Hobbs End, a sleepy hamlet that cannot be found on any ordinary map--a fictional village that exists only in Cane's novels. Has the investigation unearthed a fantasy world or has reality blended with the macabre imagination of Sutter Cane?

John Carpenter

Sam Neill

Jurgen Prochnow

Charlton Heston
Julie Carmen
Kevin Rushton
John Glover
Dennis O'connor
David Austerwell
Paul Brogden
Richard Kohler
Benjamin A Gilbert
Kevin Zegers
Jack Moore-wickham
Gary Robbins
Kieran Sells
Lance Paton
Sean Ryan
Carolyn Tweedle
Conrad Bergschneider
Katie Zegers
Cliff Woolner
Chuck Campbell
Katherine Ashby
Daniel Verhoeven
Sharon Dyer
Sean Roberge
Bernie Casey
Kyle Sheehan
Marvin Scott
Thom Bell
Laura Schmidt
Gene Mack
Hayden Christensen
Peter Jason
Robert Bush
Deborah Theaker
David Warner
Wilhelm Von Homburg
Mark Adriaans
Louise Beaven
Frances Bay
Jacelyn Holmes
Lloyd Adams
Kevin Alanthwaite
Brent Armstrong
Karrie Aubuchon
Gordon M Barnes
Ron Bartlett
Derek J Baskerville
Denis Bellingham
Howard Berger
Stephen Berger
Benu Bhandari
John Bisson
Rob Bonney
Lesley Boylen
Shelley Boylen
Kim Bromley
James Douglas Brown
Ronn Brown
Michelle Bush
Robert Bush
Randy Butcher
Brian Campbell
Evan Campbell
Carlos Caneca
Casie Marie Carleton
Cody Carpenter
John Carpenter
Sean Casey
Tony Chappell
Phil Chiu
Karen M Clark
Kathy Clark
Ross Clydesdale
Damon D Cohoon
Rob Coleman
Robert Conde
Shelley Cook
Karin Costa
Jeff Courtie
Carolyn Cox
Gino Crognale
John Danylkiw
Daniel Davies
Michael De Luca
Michael De Luca
Mark Deluca
Cesare Digiulio
Vikki Dodds
Giovanni Donovan
Lori Keith Douglas
Michael Doyle
W Doyle
Lisa Drostova
Adam Druxman
John Dunn
Kevan Dutchak
Peter Dwyer
Jeff Edwards
Frank Eldrige
George Engel
Tim Evans
David Ferguson
Stephanie Flack
Danielle Fleury
Donald Flick
Gary Fluxgold
Rick Forsayeth
Lorne Frederick
Elinor Rose Galbraith
Michael Galbraith
John Gazdik
Ray Gilberti
Jeffrey Ginn
Mark Goldberg
Galen Goodpaster
Paul T Gordon
Graeme Gossage
Lisa Greco
Joseph F Griffith
Peter Grundy
Erin Haggerty
Michael Hall
Michael Halstead
Bob Hannah
Robin Harlan
Shane Harvey
Shane Harvey
Siobhan Hegarty
Jazz Helie
Rebecca Heskes
Mecki Heussen
Ron Hewitt
Robert Hill
Tony Hoffman
Larry Hoki
Mark Holmes
Greg Holmgren
Bill Hunt
Henry Ilola
Jeff Imada
Jeff Imada
Sarah Jacobs
Olly Jansen
Delroy P. Jarrett
Brad Jerrell
Tish Johnson
Ric Keeley
Judson E Kehl
Gary B Kibbe
Sandy King
Michael Kirilenko
Robert Kurtzman
Jim Lang
Owen Langevin
Jenifer Lee
James Lim
Danny Lima
Katy Limmer
Risa Litwin
Teresa Lovegrave
Steve Lucescu
Euan K Macdonald
John Scott Macdonald
Robert Macdonald
Glenn Macintosh
Susan Mallon
Mark Manchester
Claire Manion
Scott Mansfield
Matthew C. May
Sharon Mcgeeney
Heather Mckee
Dwayne Mclean
Kevin Mctruk
Cheryl A Miller
Harry Miller
Rick Mitchell
Jack Mongovan
Brian Montague
Neil Montgomerie
Mark Moore
Scott Morrison
Donald J. Mowat
John Muir
Patrick Neary
Howard Neiman
Ian Nelmes
Ann Tree Newson
Mary Nichol
Bruce Nicholson
Peter Nicolakakos
Greg Nicotero
Douglas Noe
William O'brien
Paul O'driscoll
Jeremy Padow
Kwame Parker
Richard Parker
Andrew G Patterson
Jeff Peebles
Jeffrey Perkins
Lorne Peterson
Ken S Polk
John Pospisil
Rachel Prentiss
Paul Prokop
Ken Quinn
Thomas Quinn
Brian Rae
Roberto C Ramacciotti
Buck Randal
Allison Reid
Bryan Renfro
Vic Rigler
Artist Robinson
Artist Robinson
Phillip Rosen
Ted Ross
Paul Rutledge
Donna Salmon
G Savoy
Richard Scaini
Helen Scott
Richard Sellmer
Mary Serafini
Shannon Shea
Tanya Shuster
David Smith
Stacy Smith
Heidi Snyder
Jackie Sowards
Dave Staples
John Stead
John Stoneham
David Tanaka
Mark Tavares
Frank Tenaglia
Robert Thirlwell
Robert Thomas
Clive Thomasson
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter February 3, 1995
Released in United States on Video July 25, 1995
Began shooting August 23, 1993.
Completed shooting October 28, 1993.
Released in United States Winter February 3, 1995
Released in United States on Video July 25, 1995