Rhea Haines
Cast (Feature Film)
Uncharted Seas
Ruby Lawton
Girls Don't Gamble
Mary Ellen Comes to Town
Flossie Fleurette
Girls Don't Gamble
Ethel Rathbone
A Master Stroke
Blanche Trevor
Smiling All the Way
Minerva Finch
Always Audacious
Denver Kate
Scarlet Days
Spasm Sal
Turning the Tables
Ruth Strong
The Man from Painted Post
Wah-na Madden
Nina, the Flower Girl
Lotta, her chum
The Chalice of Sorrow
His wife
Buckshot John
Mrs. Hayden
The Beachcomber
Little Sunset
Mrs. Jones
The Country Mouse
Madame Pauline
The Pursuit of the Phantom
His Sweetheart
An Odyssey of the North
Burning Daylight: the Adventures of "Burning Daylight" in Alaska
Martin Eden
Lizzie Connolly
The Valley of the Moon
Mary, his wife
Life Events