One for the Money
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Julie Anne Robinson
Katherine Heigl
Jason O'mara
Daniel Sunjata
John Leguizamo
Sherri Shepherd
Film Details
Technical Specs
A down-on-her-luck New Jersey woman gets a job as a bounty hunter and her first assignment is to track down a former cop on the run for murder--the same man who broke her heart years before.
Julie Anne Robinson
Katherine Heigl
Jason O'mara
Daniel Sunjata

John Leguizamo
Sherri Shepherd
Gavin-keith Umeh
Kathleen Murray
Jared Burke
Carnel Mcmorris
Ana Reeder
Angela Pietropinto
Lance Walters

Debbie Reynolds
Nate Mooney
Lisa Ann Goldsmith
John Joseph Williams
Joshua Reese
Harry O'toole
Jake Andolina
Jarrod Digiorgi
Debra Monk
Leonardo Nam
Ryan Michelle Bathe
Olga Merediz
Alexis Ferrante
Bo Graham
Louis Mustillo
Daniel Mastrogiorgio
Patrick Fischler
Jennifer Vos
David Early
Alexis Treadwell Murray
Robert Oppel
Jack Erdie
David Flick
Jared Pfennigwerth
Adam Paul
Annie Parisse
Michael Laurence
Marla Sucharetza
Fisher Stevens
Alana Hixson
Tommy Lafitte
Jonathan C. Abbott
Erika Abrams
Max Adams
Max Adams
Wayne Adams
Lavonne Alford
Blane Allan
David Allen
Simon Allen
Rhyan Alsina
Carlos Jose Alvarez
Steven E Anderson
Alex Andres
Ian Andrew
Deborah Aquila
Ulysses Argetta
Christopher Aud
Joshua Aufrance
Michael Babcock
Michael Babcock
Hye Jung Bae
Hyun Min Bae
Matt Balzarini
Chris Bangma
Lynell Bangs
Shawn C H Baron
Mitchell Barutha
Mike Battison
Ron Batzdorff
Colin L Baxter
Mike Bearer
Christopher Beattie
Bobby Beckles
Jared Benedict
Glenn Bennett
Robert Birch
Larry Bivins
Ray Bivins
Georges Bizet
April Blair
April Blair
Tommy Blaize
Sally Boldt
Sally Boldt
Sally Boldt
Josh Bolin
Richard Bonker
Joshua Bonnett
Karen Bosma
Daniel Bothe
Todd Michael Bowers
Shawn Boyachek
Dennis Bradford
Dennis J. Braun
Liz Brixius
Don Broida
Rick Brown
Scott Brown
Paul Bucciarelli
Edgar Um Bucholtz
David Buckley
Katie Buckley
Sandra Budd
Dane Burgerson
Jeremy Burns
Brian Buzzelli
Jennifer Bydwell
Daragh Byrne
Colbie Caillat
Colbie Caillat
Bob Caldwell
Rick Callan
Rick Canelli
Franco Carbone
Matthew Carraher
Ann Carton
Philip Caruso
Alex Case
Christopher Cenatiempo
Nicholas Cerniglia
Ray Cervenak
Dionne Charles
Mike Chiado
Lisa Zeno Churgin
Dean Ciocca
Brad Clapper
Edward Coenner
Rick Coffee
Dennis Coffey
Dennis Coffey
Steve Cohagan
Beverly Cole
Billy Cole
Joe T Conard
Eric Craig
Luke Crawford
Paul Cristo
Douglas Cronin
Michael Crow
John Cubelic
John Cubelic
Erin Cullen
Dana Custer
Joe Cuzan
Darien D'alfonso
Mack David
Walker Davis
Linden Degurian
Julian Delacruz
Jose Deleon
Ruy Santos Delgado
Steve Demko
Joe Denk
Michael Dennison
Richard Devletian
Scott Dougherty
Norman Douglass
Eugene Doyle
William Doyle
Gregory L Edwards Jr.
James Eidel
Kjose Elliott
Cheyenne Ellis
Janet Evanovich
Melanie Marie Evans
Jessica Fasman
Mary Flynn Feeney
David Fein
Siggy Ferstl
Wendy Finerman
Ed Fitzgerald
Megan Fitzgerald
Bart Flaherty
Sean Flanigan
Sean Flanigan
Eric Flickinger
E Foxx
Jeffrey Francek
Kelli French
Mickey Fudge
Clayton Gavin
Steven H George
Larry Geyer
Cara Giallanza
Jeffrey Lee Gibson
Jeffrey Lee Gibson
Terel Gibson
Vincent Gillen
Catherine Gittings
Jason Goldberg
Lenny Gordon
Chris Goulstone
Anthony Grant
John Grant
Cee-lo Green
Cee-lo Green
Pamela Green
Phillip Green
Steve Griffith
Courtney Gumpf
Joe Guzman
Kelly Haddad
Kevin Harner
Barbara Harris
Skip Haswell
Lindsey Hay
Joseph Haydn
Derek Hayes
Katherine Heigl
Nancy Heigl
Kate Hennessy
Ian Herzon
Chris Hinton
Hilda Hodges
Kahale Hoke
Jules Holdren
Thomas J Horan
John Jacobson
Freak Jamez
Joshua Jeffery
Steve Jeffries
Amanda Jenkins
David Jobe
Justin Johnson
Nia Johnson
Norman R Johnson
Robbin Johnson
Denise Jones
Hyun Sun Joo
Dave Jose
Victor Joseph
Eva Kamienska-carter
Glenn D Kaplan
John Keating
Kenneth Kellers
Tom Kelly
Grant Kemmerer
Carl Kent
Lis Kern
Nancy Keslar
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Wide Release in United States Winter January 27, 2012
Released in United States on Video May 15, 2012
Based on the novel "One For the Money" written by Janet Evanovich and published by Scribner on August 26, 1994.
Reese Witherspoon was previously attached to star.
Don Petrie was previously attached to direct.
Jennifer Lopez was previously attached to star.
Wide Release in United States Winter January 27, 2012
Rated PG-13 for violence, sexual references, and language, some drug material and partial nudity.
Project was previously set up at Columbia Pictures.
Released in United States on Video May 15, 2012