The Chippendales Murder
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Eric Bross
Naveen Andrews
Paul Hipp
Alex Deboe
Dan Horton
Victor Webster
Film Details
Technical Specs
The life story of the rise and fall of Chippendales founder Steve Banerjee, who emigrated from India to Los Angeles. He developed the concept of an erotic male dance show for women which is actualized by the creative force of Emmy award-winning choreographer, Nick Denoia. Together, they formed the multi-million dollar empire known as Chippendales. The sudden success is more than Banerjee can handle. Paranoia and greed sweep him into a downward spiral of blackmail, racketeering, arson and murder.In a desperate attempt to maintain control of his empire, Steve convinces ex-con Carl Ramone to help him hire someone to firebomb a competing nightclub. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Steve and Nick's relationship deteriorates dramatically, each convinced the other's actions are destined to destroy the business. In 1987, an assailant enters Nick's New York City office and fires a single shot into his forehead, killing him instantly.Even though he is now the sole owner of the Chippendales empire, Steve's paranoia remains. He accuses Dave, the Chippendales nightclub manager, who until this point has remained Steve's most loyal employee, of stealing money from the club. Steve gives notice and sets off with several key Chippendale dancers to England to launch a rival club. Convinced that eliminating the competition is his only answer, Steve hires another contract killer to travel to London and inject his former employees with cyanide. The hired killer tells federal authorities about the planned murders, which leads to the arrest and conviction of Steve Banerjee for the murder of Nick Denoia and the attempted murder of his former employees. Steve pleads guilty, but commits suicide in his jail cell the day before his formal sentencing.
Eric Bross
Naveen Andrews
Paul Hipp
Alex Deboe
Dan Horton
Victor Webster
Tony Curtis Blondell
Chris Bondy
Kaela Dobkin
James Moriarty
Natalie Radford
Roman Padhora
Shaun Austin-olsen
Nigel Bennett
Daniel Bryant
Johnie Chase
Ian D Clark
Chris Clemens
Graham Coffeng
Brendan Connor
John Crook
Lina Dhingra
Philip Gour
Julia Hazelton
Kevin Hicks
Sandy Bevans
Keith Kemps
Robert B Kennedy
J.c. Kenny
Brigitte Kingsley
Cameron Kirkwood
Andrew Kraulis
Michael Kremko
Tor Kristiansen
Mary Krohnert
Troy Liddell
David Mackay
Bobby Manning
Andrew Martin
Paul Miller
Mung Ling Tsui
Christine Nowland
Diane Platts
Les Porter
Tim Post
Tony Ranaudo
Matt Sergott
Phillip Shepherd
Sybil Temtchine
Elisa Tibollo
Bruce Turner
Mary Wall
Alisa Wiegers
Peter Wright
Leena Dhingra
David Mackay
Roman Podhora
Richard Delong Adams
Abra Adelman
Sean Albertson
Jennifer Alward
Warren Appleby
Kevin Barry
Kevin Barry
Rod Benjamin
Aurli Bokovza
Russell Bowie
Romuald Bylinski
Eydi Caines-floyd
Mike Chard
Wayne Collins
Oliver B Costo
Judith Craig Marlin
George Cribb
Greg Daprato
Meg Davies
Eric Deros
Northern Edge
Jane Fieber
Paula Fleet
Mike Franklin
Candide Franklyn
Bob Frederickson
Michael Galbraith
Gary S. Gerlich
Martin Gonzalez
Elisa Goodman
Graeme Gossage
Nicholas J Gray
Michael Harland
Mike Harris
Mike Harris
Alan Holly
William Hooper
Neil Huhta
Otis Kaltvedt
David Katz
Rick Kearney
Rick Kearney
Zameret Kleiman
Maribeth Knezev
Cameron Kuc
Michael Lacroix
Richard Le Grand
Norine Mark
Horacio Marquinez
Horatio Marquinez
Robert Mcnabb
Michael Meagher
John Mendes
David Myles
Bill Partridge
Nelleke Privett
Bruce Raymer
Richard Rosset
Tami Rumble
Ron Sato
G Scott Schaffner
Damien Segee
Rob Shea
B.c. Smith
Tom Starnes
Bob Talmage
Meghan Thurston
Robert Vigus
Brad Vos
Jonathan Wales
Terry Wareham
Samuel Webb
Danny White
Steve Wilkie
Oliver B Wilson
Sheila Woodley
Elaine Yaresh
Bonnie Young
Harry Zernike
Rick Ziegler
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Aired in United States November 7, 2000