Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Nicolas Cage
Cary Wilmot Alden
Scott Caan
Vince Leblanc
Nicolas Cage
Bernard Hocke
Film Details
Technical Specs
Sonny, who lives in New Orleans, has been trained and groomed from early adolescence to follow his family's trade. He is from a line of male prostitutes who provide services for wealthy women--and he hates it. Sonny wants to free himself from this predetermined life, and hopes to find something for himself outside of the their prostitution business. He considers joining the Army, as a way out, but his family won't hear of it. An unlikely woman offers Sonny possible redemption from his dilemma.

Nicolas Cage
Cary Wilmot Alden
Scott Caan
Vince Leblanc

Nicolas Cage
Bernard Hocke
Don Yesso
Delisha Prince
Thomas Williams
Kyle Hand
Andrew Miller
Sarah Allison Griggs

Harry Dean Stanton
Graham Timbes
Janet Shea
Michael James Dukes
Karen-kaia Livers
Ben Jones
Kriste Andrea Tujague
Mena Suvari
Monica Monica
Natasha Mince

Brenda Blethyn
David Jensen
Mark W Davison

Brenda Vaccaro
Seymour Cassel
Marc Coppola
Robert Burton
Katherine Randolph
Houston Parker
Norm Golightly
Josie Davis
Shelby Rachel Griggs
James Franco
Willie Metcalf
Wallace Merck
Doug Barden
Nick Paoletti
Michael Applebaum
Scott August
Steve Austin
Johann Sebastian Bach
Markus Barben
Bruce Barnes
Bruce Barnes
Joe Barnett
Paul Beard
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Carlos Bernal
David C Bernat
Susie Blanchard
Robert Bodenheimer
George R Bott
Stephen Bourgeois
David Bowie
David Bowie
Linda Brennan
Paul Brooks
Donna Brower
Lance Brown
Robert N Brown
Mara Buffett
Charles Burdett
Stephen Bures
Reid Burns
Reid Burns
Nicolas Cage
John Carlen
Timothy A Carpenter
Timothy A Carpenter
Timothy A Carpenter
Buddy Carr
Cleveland Carter
June Carter
Gerald Casale
Carlo Catalanotto
Donna Chance
Bartou Chandler
Gilly Charbonnet
Seth Clark
Patsy Cline
Rosemary Clooney
Bradley Clouse
Herbert Colar
Billy Colbert
Greg Collins
Thomas E Conrad
Shawn Holly Cookson
Robert H Cooper
Danny Cosmo
Jennifer Cusentino
Sandy De Crescent
John Dixon
Jed M Dodge
Gaetano Donizetti
Cougar Easley
Christopher Ekstrom
Mary Frances Elgin
Melissa Elliott
Dana Embree
David Emerson
David Erwin
Ryan Eustis
George G Everett
John Michael Fanaris
Bridget Fenlason
Joe Fineman
Sean Finnegan
J Aloysius Flanagan Iii
Daniel Fox
Charlie French
Robert Fripp
Debra L Gainor
Glenn Gainor
Glenn Gainor
Janet Galpin
Linda Gardar
Matt Gaumer
Randy Gerston
Don Gibson
Michael Giles
Norm Golightly
Jacklyn Gondrella
Allison Gordin
Glenn Gould
Melissa Groetsch
Colby Guillory
Caleb Guillote
Nicole Hall
Kent Hamilton
Randy Hansen
Randy Hansen
Barbara Harris
Kim Harris
Jeff Harrisson
James D Hattin
Jeffrey Haupt
Ruby C Haupt
Elizabeth Hayden-passero
Jonn P Herbert
Lissette Hernandez
Kirk Herzbrun
Rankin Hickman
Lavelle Higgins
Jennifer Hoffman
Jeanne De La Houssaye
Earl R Hurst
A Joseph Iglesias
Bobby James
Heather Joyce
Carlie Kahn
Alissa Miller Kantrow
Victor Keatley
Tracy Keller
Junior Kelly
Monroe Kelly
Merle Kilgore
King Crimson
Loren Kinsella
Jillian Ann Kreiner
Greg Lake
Sidney Lambert
Loney Landry
Leo Lauricella
Ross Lebrun
Shane Lecocq
Geddy Lee
Mandy Lee
Brian Leff
Richard Leveckis
Allan Levine
Allan Levine
Murray H Levy
Genevieve Leyh
Alex Lifeson
Mark Anthony Little
Phil Locicero
Skip Long
Ian Lynch
Marc Mann
Clint Mansell
Barry Markowitz
Michael S Martin
David Mastron
Michael Mayhew
David Ross Mccarty
Jessica Seifert Mccarty
Dave Mccue
Ian Mcdonald
Meagan Mclaughlin
Mike Mclaughlin
Marc Meyer
Gary Miller
Mark Miller
Charles Milling
Pete Mills
Mark Mothersbaugh
Walter Murphy
Walter Murphy
Dan Muscarella
David Nami
Lee Nichols
Jay Nierenberg
Jay Nierenberg
Randy Nolen
Randy Nolen
Yvette S O'neill
Paul Olinde
Emjay Olson
Jorin Ostroska
Maurice R Palmer
James Pankow
Houston Parker
Jeffery Passero
Neil Peart
Poland Paul Perkins
Patti Perret
Scott Peterson
Eric Pierson
Daniel Rector
Becky Richardson
Lise Richardson
Shelley Roden
Ronald W Romanski
James Roque Jr.
Anthony Rossi
Ann C Salzer
Michael Schafer
Paul Schierhorn
Seth Schur
Steven D. Search
Alexander Sens
Jamil Sharif
Jamil Sharif
Kevin Shawley
Sherman Shelton
Peter Sinfield
Howard E. Smith
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States 2002
Released in United States November 2002
Released in United States on Video August 19, 2003
Released in United States Winter December 27, 2002
Shown at Deauville Film Festival August 30 - September 8, 2002.
Feature directorial debut for actor Nicolas Cage.
Feature screenwriting debut for John Carlen.
Released in United States 2002 (Shown at Deauville Film Festival August 30 - September 8, 2002.)
Released in United States on Video August 19, 2003
Released in United States November 2002 (Shown at AFI/Los Angeles International Film Festival (Special Screening) November 7-17, 2002.)
Released in United States Winter December 27, 2002