Collateral Damage
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Andrew Davis
Pedro Damian
Todd Allen
Jsu Garcia
Cliff Curtis
Nicholas Pryor
Film Details
Technical Specs
In one fleeting moment, L.A. firefighter Gordy Brewer loses everything he ever cared about. Running late to meet his wife and young son at a downtown high-rise, the devoted family man arrives in time to witness a bomb explode, showering the area with debris and shattered glass. The explosion is credited to 'El Lobo, The Wolf', an infamous rebel leader in Colombia's decades-long civil war. The intended targets were members of the Colombian consulate and American intelligence agents; its casualties included one civilian woman and one small boy--Gordy's family, innocent people who lost their lives for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Gordy's only consolation for the loss of his family is the hope that the Wolf will be stopped before he has a chance to strike again. When the official U.S. investigation into the Wolf stalls, Gordy realizes that bringing the terrorist to justice is no longer a priority to anyone but himself. Gordy heads to war-torn Colombia to track him down alone.
Pedro Damian
Todd Allen
Jsu Garcia
Cliff Curtis
Nicholas Pryor
Madison Mason

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Raul Pozos
Jane Lynch
Harry Lennix
Greg Collins
Don Fischer
Jay Acovone
Robert Zajonc
Shelley Malil
Natalia Traven
Jorge Zepeda
Michael Cavanaugh
Bruce Ramsay
John Verea
Raymond Cruz
J. Kenneth Campbell
Louis Bernstein

John Leguizamo
Gerardo Albarran
Salvador Sanchez
Norm Compton
Flor Eduarda Gurrola
Daniel H Friedman
Ronald Donahue
Millie Slavin
Francesca Neri
Rick Worthy
Lindsay Frost
Elias Koteas
Ethan Dampf
Jossara Jinaro
Rick Garcia
Victor Carpinteiro
Michael Milhoan
Tyler Posey
Joe Renteria
Jack Conley
Pedro Altamirano
Estaban Cueto
Penny Griego
Fernando Sarfati
Omar Ayala

John Turturro
Marianne Lewis
Rodrigo Obregon
Miguel Sandoval
Clint Lilley
Enrique Munoz
Ehecatl Chavez
Vanessa Alamilla
Robert Alonzo
Jason Altieri
Michael Altman
J Tom Archuleta
Angie Athayde
Paul Aulicino
Myron Baker
William M Baker
Sydney Baldwin
Jose Manuel Ballesteros
Greg Banta
Rocco Barnes
Bruce Barris
Tighe Barry
Salvatore Basile
Salvatore Basile
Claudia Becker
Jennifer M Bell
Carlos Benassini
Krista Benson
Mike Bergstrom
Lowell D Blank
Wendy Bledsoe
Cosmas Paul Bolger Jr.
Terry Bowen
Becky Brake
Jophery Brown
Billy Burton
Billy Burton
Heather Burton
Trisha Burton
Teena Byl
Daniel Caldwell
Greg Callas
Jerry G Callaway
David E Campbell
Susi Campos
Jennifer Caputo
Dru Anne Carlson
Robert Carlson
Michael Carrillo
Rocio Ceja
Joy Chapman
Peter Ciardelli
Christopher Ciketic
Alain Cohen
Sarah Coleman
Michael Colleary
Bridget M. Cook
Stephanie Correa
Gilberto Cortes
Gustavo Covarrubias
Hugo Gutierrez Cuellar
Rafael Cuervo
Mike Cunningham
Arturo Curiel
Mike Currie
Mark Curry
Paul Curtis
Laura Dash
Mitchell Dauterive
Tim A Davison
Jeff Dawn
Alejandro De La Pena
Javier Delgado
James A Dennett
Marc Deschaine
Richard Diaz
Ada Diaz Carballo
David Dietch
Mark Dobkousky
Bonnie Dombrowski
Ruperto Dominguez
John J. Downey
Michael Dressel
Alisarine Ducolomb
Kevin Duncan
Terry Dunn
Beth Eckstein
Thom Ehle
William M Elvin
Danny Epper
Ron Epstein
Bill Erickson
Tim Everitt
Liz Lang Fedrick
Melissa Ferguson
Silvia Fernandez
Thomas L. Fisher
Marc Fisichella
Robin Fisichella
Tim Fitzgerald
Lily Flachner
Anna Fleiner
Eduardo Flores
David Fogg
Ann Foley
David Foster
Pam Frazier
Giela Fredman
Camille Freer
Thomas Frohling
Terry George
Channing Gibson
Dale Gibson
Mariana Gironella
Stan Goff
Ronald D. Goldstein
Stan Gonzales
Jerry Grandey
Joanne S Grant
Adam Greenberg
John Griffin
Peter Griffiths
Peter Griffiths
Adrian Grunberg
Kathia Guerrero
Jorge Guerrero Arriola
Patricia Gundlach
Heriberto Gutierrez
Jose Gutierrez
Zeferino Gutierrez
Craig Haagensen
Bill Hader
Greg A Hall
Jeff Hand
Jeff Hand
William G M Hardy
Jonas Hendrix
Mo Henry
Carlos Hidalgo
Carl E Hodge
Dov Hoenig
Steve Hulin
Stephani Hunter
Cory Izett
Ron Jacobs
Sergio Jara Gonzalez
Robert E Jason
Amanda Mackey Johnson
Adam Jordan
John B Josselyn
Thomas Jung
Stacy Perskie Kaniss
William B. Kaplan
Laura Lee Kasten
Uri Katoni
Joe Kelly
Maria Kelly
Carol Kiefer
Nikita Knatz
Tom Knott
Howard W. Koch Jr.
Mark Kochinski
Nicholas Vincent Korda
Tom Kramer
John Kreidman
Lincoln Kupchak
Daniel Kupresan
John Kurlander
Enrique Estevez Labastida
Francisco Javier Lambert Rodriguez
Kenneth A Larson
Louis Lazzara
Lee Lemont
Moshe Levin
Dawn Line
Dave Lockwood
Enrique Lopez Senano
Jose Lorrabaquio
Billy Lucas
Nina Lucia
Mauricio Lule
Khristian Lupo
Laura Macias
Mary Lamar Mahler
Gerardo Manjarrez Chavez
Steve Mann
Mauricio Martinez
Nicole Martinez
Pedro Mata
Joe Mccloskey
Michael A Mccue
Steven C. Mcgee
John P. Mesa
Penny Mesa
William Mesa
Nicholas Meyer
Nicholas Meyer
Raymond S. Milazzo Jr.
Erick Monroy
Claudia Montero
Jose Luis Montero
Gerardo Moreno
Xochitl Moreno
David Morton
Mark Morton
Bob Munoz
Santiago Navarrete
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter February 8, 2002
Began shooting September 26, 2000.
Completed shooting December 15, 2000.
Release originally scheduled for October 5, 2001 was postponed to February 8, 2002 due to the film's subject matter in light of the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center bombing.
Released in United States Winter February 8, 2002