To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Michael Pressman
Michelle Pfeiffer
Peter Gallagher
Claire Danes
Lori New
Laurie Fortier
Film Details
Technical Specs
Laboy Day weekend on Nantucket Island marks a family reunion for David Lewis and his teenage daughter, Rachel along with his sister-in-law Esther and brother-in-law Paul. It also marks the anniversary of David's wife Gillian's death. She died in a boating accident on her birthday two years ago. To David, it could have been yesterday. Hoping to help David overcome his grief, Paul and Esther bring an attractive single woman with them to the island. But he's not over Gillian. In fact, David is completely in love with her. It's as though the strength of his devotion just might bring her back. As the family celebrates the weekend with the traditional karaoke singing and a sand castle competition, relationships are re-examined and truths are revealed. When David discovers that his obsession with his late wife has damaged his precious relationship with Rachel, he realizes he must do everything in his power to regain his daughter's love--even if it means letting go of Gillian.
Michael Pressman
Michelle Pfeiffer
Peter Gallagher
Claire Danes
Lori New
Laurie Fortier
Todd Haven
Kathy Baker
Ken Turik
Wendy Crewson
Stephen C Peterman
Danny Crook
Bruce Altman
Freddie Prinze
Seth Green
Rachel Seidman-lockamy
Ritchie Adams
Vic Allen
Rebecca Alling
Amy Alson
John Alzapiedi
Bill Anagnos
Mikki Ansin
William David Arnold
David Ascher
Spring Aspers
Marilyn R Atlas
Michael Atwell
Beth Bargas
Chris Barnes
Kip Bartlett
Frank Bartoli
Ryan Bartsch
John R Bayless
Thomas Benecki
Logan Berkshire
Alan Bernstein
Judith Bickerton
Michelle Blanc
Joanie Blum
Alan Blunt
Roseann M Bonora-keris
Michael Brady
Lori Bridwell
Robert Brooke
Matt Brown
Rick Butkus
Jeffrey Cahill
Peter Callander
David E Campbell
Bobby Carnes
Nicole Carrasco
Lori Carson
Jim Cashman
Monica Castellanos
Neil Castles
Neil Castles
Camus Celli
Susan Chernus
Thomas R Cherry
Ty Church
Sherry Clements
Margaret Codola
Renee Cologne
Will Conroy
Loren Corl
Blaise Corrigan
Andy Crawford
Chris Dambra
Allen Dangeino
Mark Davison
Bob Defonte
Bonita Dehaven
Laverne Dewberry
Serge Djang
Jimmey Donchey
Alex Dorsey
Lisa A Doyle
David Dwiggins
Tim Eckel
John Ellison
Cleto Escobedo
Cleto Escobedo
Leigh Everett
Henry Ezzell
Nancy Farmer
Paul V Ferrazzi
Bob Field
Regan Forman
Ken Fox
Cody Frost
Patrick Fulton
Stephen Girouard
Rufus Grainger
David Grober
Vincent Guisetti
Chip Hackler
George Harding
Vernon Harrell
Bruce Harris
David Blake Hartley
Gerald Hatchell
Billy Bob Hendricks
Jim Hendrickson
Larry Heyman
Loren Hildebrand
Adam Hinson
Steven A Hollenbeck
Alan Hook
Dewolf Hopper
James Horner
Ken Hudson
Engelbert Humperdinck
Jimmy Humphreys
Neil Hyman
Michael Jacobson
Wendy Jerde
Mark Johnson
Dan Jones
James Jones
Montell Jordan
Montell Jordan
Andree' Juviler
Amber Nicole Kahler
Robert Kaiser
Olaf Kallstrom
David E. Kelley
David E. Kelley
Philip Kelly
Philip Kelly
David Kirschner
Eric Komar
Marie Kouf
Edmund J Lachmann
Jamie Lagerhausen
William Lakoff
Gemma Lamana
Mary Lampert
David E Larson
Christine Larson-nitzsche
Andres Levin
Tantor Leviseur
John Levy
Stephen Lonano
Lexie Longstreet
Dickie Luke
Doug Mackenzie
John Manocchia
Brian Markey
Dessie Markovsky
Jerry L. Marshall
Carl Mastromarino
Russell Mcabbe
Oliver Mccann
Larry Mccauley
Pilar Mccurry
Liza Mcdonald
Marshall Mcgee
Scott Mcgeo
Jeff Mcgrath
Jack Mcphee
Andrew Menzies
Arthur H Meyer
Douglas Meyer
Mary Weisgerber Meyer
Jody Milks
Theresa Repola Mohammed
Shirley Montefusco
Vincent Montefusco
Jeff Moore
Tom A Moore
Len Morganti
Jennifer Morrison Holyfield
Jeff Morse
Terry Morse
Michael Mulvaney
Heather Munday
Sean Murphy
Mitch Murray
Gillian Nelson
Deborah Newhall
Jack M Nietzche
Stephanie O'brien
Terry O'brien
James Oberman
Paul Oliver
Ernie Orsatti
Raquel Osborne
Christiano V Palermi
Tina Panella
Linda Pearl
Linda Pearl
Jeff Pescetto
Carole Sanders Peterman
Mark Peters
Tricia Peters
Brennan Pierce
Oji Pierce
Richard Pipkin
Vini Poncia
Lahly Poore
Troy Porter
Marykay Powell
Rick Raphael
Manish Raval
Emile Razpopov
John T Reitz
Nancy Rhee
Tim Rook
Gregg Rudloff
Patrick Ruth
Jeff Sagansky
Leo Sayer
Leo Sayer
William S. Scharf
Chris Scher
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Limited Release in United States October 18, 1996
Released in United States Fall October 18, 1996
Wide Release in United States October 25, 1996
Released in United States on Video April 22, 1997
Director Michael Pressman previously directed the 1985 Los Angeles production of Brady's play.
The original stage production by the Ensemble Studio Theater ran off-Broadway at Circle in the Square (Downtown) in New York, opening March 22, 1984.
Completed shooting November 20, 1995.
Began shooting September 28, 1995.
Limited Release in United States October 18, 1996
Released in United States Fall October 18, 1996
Wide Release in United States October 25, 1996
Released in United States on Video April 22, 1997