Big Bad Mama - (Movie Clip) Good Clean Fun
Billy Jean (Susan Sennettt) and Polly (Robbie Lee) are undertaking a new trade for a redneck patriot crowd when Wilma (Angie Dickinson) intervenes, in the Roger Corman depression-crime quickie Big Bad Mama, 1974.
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Big Bad Mama - (Original Trailer)
Bad luck forces a woman and her daughters into crime in Big Bad Mama (1974) starring Angie Dickinson and William Shatner.

Big Bad Mama -- (Movie Clip) Mama's Lunches
In which Wilma (Angie Dickinson), Billy Jean (Susan Sennett), and Polly (Robbie Lee), (wearing jeans in "1930-something"), with Fred (Tom Skerritt), pull a job, from the Roger Corman-produced Big Bad Mama, 1974.

Big Bad Mama -- (Movie Clip) Open, Paradise Texas
Straight out of the gate, arguing principals Wilma (Angie Dickinson), Polly (Robbie Lee) and Billy Jean (Susan Sennett) into opening credits for director Steve Carver's Big Bad Mama, 1974.

Big Bad Mama -- (Movie Clip) Temporary Embarrassment
Wilma (Angie Dickinson) at the races with Fred (Tom Skerrit) and daughters (Susan Sennett, Robbie Lee) meets Kentucky gentleman Baxter (William Shatner) in Big Bad Mama, 1974.

Big Bad Mama -- (Movie Clip) I Love California!
Wilma (Angie Dickinson), Baxter (William Shatner), the girls (Susan Sennett, Robbie Lee) and Fred (Tom Skerritt) arrive in California, meet an orange grower and plan another job, in Big Bad Mama, 1974.