What's Up, Doc? (1972) - (Movie Clip) As Time Goes By
Baffled musicologist Howard (Ryan ONeal), ejected from his San Francisco hotel for hijinks the night before, winds up on the roof, and meets the perpetrator, the still-sexier Judy (Barbra Streisand), who has news about his grant, director Peter Bogdanovich with a big wink to Casablanca, in Whats Up Doc, 1972.
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What's Up, Doc? (1972) -- (Movie Clip) I Don't Think Of You As A Woman
In San Francisco for the musicology convention, Howard (Ryan ONeal) from Iowa prepares with his fianceè Eunice (Madeline Kahn) to meet the philanthropist offering a big research grant, Peter Bogdanovich directing from the screenplay by Buck Henry, David Newman and Robert Benton, in Whats Up, Doc?, 1972, starring Barbra Streisand.

What's Up, Doc? (1972) -- (Movie Clip) He Falls Down A Lot
Sent by his bossy fianceè to fetch aspirin at the San Francisco hotel, nerdy musicologist Howard (Ryan ONeal) has his first in-person encounter with Judy (Barbra Streisand), though weve no idea why shes interested, early in Peter Bogdanovichs Whats Up Doc, 1972.

What's Up, Doc? -- (1972) -- (Original Trailer)
Director Peter Bogdanovich joins stars Barbra Streisand and Ryan O'Neal for this full-on tongue in cheek trailer for the 1972 comedy hit What's Up, Doc?, also the feature debut of Madeline Kahn.

What's Up, Doc? (1972) -- (Movie Clip) We've Almost Got That Stammer Cured
Already detained by rival Simon (Kenneth Mars), panicked musicologist Howard (Ryan ONeal) meets Larrabee (Austin Pendleton), provider of the grant for-which theyre competing then, aided by Randy Quaid, finds mischievous Judy (Barbra Streisand) impersonating his fianceè, in Whats Up Doc, 1972.

What's Up, Doc? (1972) -- (Movie Clip) There Was A Plaid Overnight Case
Opening with the storybook from the screenplay by Buck Henry, Robert Benton and David Newman, we meet Michael Murphy, followed by Phil Roth, then Ryan ONeal and Madeline Kahn at San Francisco International, then Barbra Streisand, apparently by happenstance, in Peter Bodganovichs hit rom-com, Whats Up, Doc?, 1972.