Vengeance is Mine
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Shohei Imamura
Ken Ogata
Mayumi Ogawa
Mitsuko Baisho
Rentaro Mikuni
Chocho Mikayo
Film Details
Technical Specs
Iwao Enokizu is a middle-aged man who has an unexplainable urge to commit insane and violent murders. Eventually he is chased by the police all over Japan, but somehow he always manages to escape. He meets a woman who runs a brothel. They love each other but how long can they be together?
Shohei Imamura
Film Details
Technical Specs
Vengeance is Mine - Shohei Imamura's 1979 Portrait of a Serial Killer - VENGEANCE IS MINE on DVD
The movie is too clinical to be a commercial thriller and too expressive to be an objective case history. Ken Ogata's Iwao Enokizu's almost random murder spree begins with the brutal stabbing of a truck driver, but the police investigation format drops away when Imamura suddenly jumps to scenes from the past. A wild, troublemaking son, Enokizu is pressured into one marriage so he'll 'calm down,' but instead brings home and marries a pregnant girlfriend, Kayo (Chocho Miyako). Flashbacks show the Enokizu family, part of Japan's Christian minority, being abused by a navy officer in WW2. Iwao's father (Rentaro Mikuni) is forced to sell his fishing boats and opens an inn. He rails against Iwao's irresponsibility, but eventually forms a relationship with Kayo when Iwao is in prison.
Life on the run requires Iwao to adopt disguises and think on his feet. He endears himself to the owners of another inn by cultivating an ingratiating personality and posing as a benign science professor. Haru Asano, the unhappy innkeeper's wife (Mayumi Ogawa) falls hopelessly in love with Iwao and refuses to turn him in, even when she finds out his true identity. Her aged mother Hisano (Niijiko Kiyokawa) forms an odd bond with Iwao as well, for she once served a long prison sentence for murder.
But grandma is definitely not in Iwao's league when it comes to killing. Enokizu stabs some victims and strangles others, all to get a little more money to keep going. We see him mercilessly swindle a woman trying to get a loved one out of jail, by posing as a lawyer who bribes judges. Iwao has barely taken her money when he links up with another lawyer on a train. He murders the man, stuffs his body in a closet and squats in his house while spending his money.
Vengeance Is Mine was adapted by Masaru Baba from a novel by Ryuzo Saki. Director Imamura uses Iwao Enokizu's murder spree to show a morally corrupted Japan, where twisted sexual situations are the norm. Iwao's devout father gives into Kayo's sexual needs but refuses to marry her, as he is such an old man. When Haru's faithless husband has no girlfriend available, he rapes his wife. Hisano enjoys a vicarious sex life by peeping at other couples at the inn. The film's frequent sex scenes indicate a close relationship between sex and killing: Iwao seems content only when he's in control of other people.
The film gives no specific answer as to why Enokizu has become a vicious killer, filled with hate for the world. The childhood memories of his father's persecution by the navy officer on their own don't provide a handy rationale. Iwao is alienated and contemptuous of everything he sees, especially his father's Christian teachings. Abusive and selfish young men like Iwao are mostly tolerated, while women seem trapped in confining roles. The inn where Iwao hides out regularly hires prostitutes to entertain the guests. One of them recognizes Enokizu when his pictures flash on the television, but balks at turning him in because of her shady profession. Iwao takes Haru to see a violent Russian war movie, and a public service announcement in the theater shows his face to the entire crowd. From then on it's only a matter of time before the cops track him down.
Vengeance Is Mine avoids the grandiose pseudo-psychology and mysticism that clog much of today's serial killer subgenre. In the clinical wrap-around story, Iwao's captors discover little about his motivation for killing. Iwao behaves as if he never really needed a reason to kill. Director Imamura aims at a wider social statement about Japan's changing values. The many scenes set in cluttered modern inns contrast with the calm, classical cinema of masters like Yasujiro Ozu, and in themselves seem a comment on the moral corruption of Japan.
Vengeance Is Mine was one of Criterion's most striking laserdisc sets of the early 1990s, with its full-color cover of Ken Ogata sitting calmly before a presumably dead naked woman. This new DVD has a much-improved enhanced image (and no disc-flipping required) and a bounty of extras. Michael Atkinson's essay aligns director Imamura with 'sardonic objectivists' like Fritz Lang and Claude Chabrol. Imamura speaks, is interviewed and writes about his film in a number of other text and filmed extras. The original trailer shows Shochiku's unusual promotional approach for its 'shocking' movie. Disc producers Kim Hendrickson and Alexandre Mabilon put a crime map on the back cover of the fat insert booklet, showing Iwao Enokizu's various movements and killings by date and location.
For more information about Vengeance is Mine, visit The Criterion Collection. To order Vengeance is Mine, go to TCM Shopping.
by Glenn Erickson

Vengeance is Mine - Shohei Imamura's 1979 Portrait of a Serial Killer - VENGEANCE IS MINE on DVD
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States 1979
Released in United States April 1981
Released in United States March 1980
Released in United States 1979
Released in United States March 1980 (Shown at FILMEX: Los Angeles International Film Exposition (Contemporary Cinema) March 4-21, 1980.)
Released in United States April 1981 (Shown at FILMEX: Los Angeles International Film Exposition (FilmEssay: The Best of Filmex) April 2-23, 1981.)