Bottle Shock
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Randall M. Miller
Freddy Rodriguez
Chris Pine
Rachael Taylor
Eliza Dushku
Bill Pullman
Film Details
Technical Specs
There are certain unforgettable moments in history when America has triumphed against long odds and proved itself to the world: Neil Armstrong setting foot on the moon; the U.S. Men's Hockey team beating the Soviet Union in the 1980 Olympics. But one such moment has never received the recognition it deserves: In 1976, a small American winery sent shock waves through the wine industry by besting the exalted French wines in a blind tasting, putting California wines on the map for good. Novice vintner Jim Barrett risked everything to realize his dream of creating the perfect hand-crafted California Chardonnay. Meanwhile in Paris, struggling wine seller Steven Spurrier came up with an idea for a publicity stunt to help his floundering shop. Little did Spurrier and Barrett realize they were about to change the history of wine forever.
Randall M. Miller
Freddy Rodriguez
Chris Pine
Rachael Taylor
Eliza Dushku

Bill Pullman
Alan Rickman
Kathy Mcgraw
Mark Famiglietti
James Carraway
Jean-michel Richaud
Hal B. Klein
Dennis Farina
Geoff Callan
Miguel Sandoval
Bradley Whitford
Kirk Baily
Philippe Bergeron
Louis Giambalvo
Greg Collins
Luis Saguar
Jim Hiser
Marcia Firesten
Matthew Kimbrough
Laurie O'brien
Joe Regalbuto
Al Liner
Deborah O'brien
Brian Leonard
Karl-heinz Teuber
Maximilienne Ewalt
Frank Avila
Richard Gross
Mary Pat Gleason
Valerie Long
Marianne Filali
Phillippe Simon
Andre Tardieu
Jean-pierre Gillian
Andre Mathieu
Randall M. Miller
Roy Jimenez
John Micheletos
Jean-pierre Gillain
Bill Abraham
Mark Adler
Mark Adler
Mark Adler
Stewart Allen
Gregg Allman
Diana Argos
Mou Arikat
Christopher Assells
Rudy Asuncion
Robert Baizer
Lynn Barber
Tom Barone
Gerry Beckley
George Bell
Steve Bellen
Tim Bellen
Tim Bellen
Nate Belove
Aurora Bergere
Kevin Berlandi
Lark Bernini
Mike Best
Randall Bingham
Darryl Blackmon
Curtis Blackwell
Russell Boast
Jim Boudrow
Ira Boyd
Mike Brown
Stephen Buckingham
James Burke
Kevin Burns
Christian Butcher
Glynn Butterfield
Gerardo Cabrera
Maria Callas
Rocky Capella
James R. Chandler
Ian Chriss
Robin Church
Erik Cleage
Jean-baptiste Clement
Richard Clot
Allison Cohen
John Colton
Michael Connor
Regand H Copeland
Brian Copenhagen
Jenifer Cote
Kelly Crist
Joe Davis
Merv Davis
Robert Deschane
Michael Destiny
Julian Detmicis
Joanie Diener
Clark Dolan
Elaine Dysinger
John Eidsvoog
Julie Eidsvoog
Robert Estes
Lisa Franklin
Bob Fredrickson
Daniel Freundl
Jesse Gillingham
Edward Glenn
Megan Goedewaagen
Antonio Grana
Endre Granat
Timothy S Hale
Mark Halloran
J. Todd Harris
Paul Harris
Geno Hart
Scottie Haskell
Mike Helbig
Chris Helcermanas-benge
Nancy Huasta-leonardi
Tom Ingebretsen
Diane Jacobs
Anne Jacobsen
Ben Jezowski
Tom Johnston
Nadine Jolson
Spike Kirkland
Art Klein
Jillian Kreiner
Jay Krueger
Phil Lane
Marie Larkin
Daryl Lathrop
Lori Laube
Paul Lavoie
Anne Lee
Darrell Lee
Dennis Lestanguet
Brenda Lhormer
Marc Lhormer
Larry London
David Low
Patrick Ludden
Marc Marcum
Diane Marshall
Ashley Marie Martin
Peter Maunu
Granville Mcghee
Stick Mcghee
Darla Mcsweeney
Jack Miller
Phillip Miller
Randall M. Miller
Randall M. Miller
Randall M. Miller
Randall M. Miller
David Mong
Peter Moody
Joel Morante
Anne Mueller
Barbara Munch
Chris Munday
Gregory A Nahem
Karen Nichols
Harry Nilsson
Harry Nilsson
Jason Noel
Dan O'brien
Raymond Berry Oakley
Patrick Okamura
Todd Orr
Sam Ownens
Kelly Oxford
Michael Ozier
Michael Ozier
Lannette Pabon
Richard Pagano
Sid Page
Richard J Peters
Patricia Petersen
Logan Petree
Logan Petree
Dave Peverett
Adam Pinkstaff
Brandy D Pollard
Roderick Price
Giacomo Puccini
George Reade
Brian Relyea
Antoine Renard
Anthony Richards
Stew Ritchie
Paul Rodgers
Anna Rogers
Dennis Sands
Jody Savin
Jody Savin
Jody Savin
Tim Schau
Jacob Schmidt
Dan Schryer
Bill Schultz
Ross Schwartz
Ross Schwartz
Tullio Serafin
Takao Shabuya
Mario Signore
Patrick Simmons
Tom Sindicich
Jim Slatt
Eric Solmonson
Karen Sorum
Leah Standley
David Stanke
Craig Stearns
Stacy Stranzl
Nelson Stroll
Caitlin Strom
Terry Sullivan
Chad Thompson
Mark Timpe
Marc Toberoff
Tami Treadwell
Silver Tree
Phil Trubey
Chris Ubick
Karen Vassar
Beau Vaughn
David Vernali
Angel Villatoro
Louis Visco
Walter Volpatto
Brett Voss
Jill Wattles
Giselle Willeford
Frank Williams
J Mayo Williams
Eric Wood
Sean J Wright
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of the Best Actor Golden Space Needle Award (Alan Rickman) at the 2008 Seattle International Film Festival.
Released in United States Summer August 6, 2008
Released in United States on Video February 3, 2009
Released in United States 2008
Released in United States January 2008
Released in United States October 2008
Shown at Seattle International Film Festival (Closing Night/Gala Screenings) May 22-June 15, 2008.
Shown at Pusan International Film Festival (Open Cinema) October 2-10, 2008.
Released in United States Summer August 6, 2008
Released in United States on Video February 3, 2009
Released in United States 2008 (Shown at Seattle International Film Festival (Closing Night/Gala Screenings) May 22-June 15, 2008.)
Released in United States January 2008 (Shown at Sundance Film Festival (Spectrum) January 17-27, 2008.)
Released in United States October 2008 (Shown at Pusan International Film Festival (Open Cinema) October 2-10, 2008.)