Spinning Into Butter
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Mark Brokaw
Enver Gjokaj
Michelle Kathleen Beck
Miranda Richardson
Besty Beutler
Bambadjan Bamba
Film Details
Technical Specs
The dean of students at a New England college is thrust into the investigation of a racial hate crime. She's forced to confront her own feelings about race and her administration's desire to maintain a politically correct posture.
Mark Brokaw
Enver Gjokaj
Michelle Kathleen Beck
Miranda Richardson
Besty Beutler
Bambadjan Bamba
Dave Reardon
Lem Dunnigan
Becky Ann Baker

Beau Bridges
Jimonn Cole
Dewanda Wise
James Rebhorn
Zach Wegner
George Merritt
John Scherer
Sophia Chang
Kelly Taffe
Daniel O'brien
Jennifer Rapp
Orlagh Cassidy
Harry Zittel
Tracee Beazer
Daniel Eric Gold
Catherine Crier
Woody Boley
Susan Wilder
Genevieve Elam
Joel Johnstone
Linda Powell
Sarah Jessica Parker
Peter Friedman
Steven Roe
Victor Rasuk
Matt Servitto
Paul James
Matt Blumm
Utkarsh Ambudkar
Jake M Smith

Mykelti Williamson
Maggie Moore
Richard Riehle
Jessi Campbell
Emma Myles
Stacy Adler
Jill Alexander
Gina R. Alfano
Peter Allburn
Brian Anton
Doug Atchison
Laura Cunningham Bauer
Gustavo Bechini
Jim Belletier
Timothy Bird
Timothy Bird
Eric Boncher
Joan G. Bostwick
Devon Bowman
Jason Brennan
Earle Brokenshire
Robert Bucella
Pete Bucossi
Amy R. Burt
Anna Butwell
George Campbell
Sanaa Cannella
Michael Caracciolo
Michael Caracciolo
Michael Caracciolo
Samuel Chase
Tricia Chiarenza
Kipp Andre Christiansen
Joseph R Collins
Ryan Collison
Joseph P Connelly
Sarah Connors
Paul Cote
Mei Lai Hippisley Coxe
Catherine Crier
Andrea Cronin-souza
Raymond Cruz
John Curtain
Michael Cycan
Benjamin Dailey
Emily Davis
Mark Davis
Mark Davis
Mark Davis
Gerry Delongis
Stuart Deutsch
Rich Devine
Keith J Devlin
Kelly Dobkin
Teo Dobrovolskis
Roberto Dominguez
Don Donato
Mary Donovan
Laura Downing
Tanya Doyle
David Dunlap
David Dunlap
Janine Ellis
Suzy Elmiger
Karen E. Etcoff
Ken Ferris
Jimmy Finnerty
Dan Fisher
James Fitzgerald
Matt Flannery
Joe Flynn
Aaron D Forste
Paul Forste
Shayla Freeman
Mollie Freilich
Lisa Gabriel
Kenneth Gaskins
Nathan Gendzier
Andrew J Gilbert
D B Gilles
Rebecca Gilman
Rebecca Gilman
John Glosser
George Granier
Christopher B Green
Darnell Greene
Daniel Hank
Daniel Hank
Nate Havens
Deborah Hecht
Bob Heim
Mo Henry
Lawrence Herman
Eric Hoeschen
Larry Houston
Maureen Howe
Maynard Howe
Roger Howe
Ryan Howe
Ryan Howe
Storm Howe
Jason Ivey
Greg Jefferson
Charles Jeffreys
Charles Jeffreys
Gerald Johnson
Ja-mel Johnson
Trevor Jolly
Geraldine L Jones
Quenell Jones
Dave June
Persefone Karakosta
Irene Kassow
Dr. Louis Katz
Katie Kemsley
Richard Kerekes
Anslem King
Anthony Klein
Mark Klein
Anthony Krajchir
Maddy Lederman
Samuel Lehmer
Hanna Levy
Patricio Libenson
Eric Liebowitz
Emily Locker
Mandy Lyons
Lauren Macus
Margaret Maloney
Eric Marx
Rafael Matos
Michelle J Mayas
Frank Mccormack
Larry "reg Dunlop" Mcgee
Antonio Mclean
Kevin Mcmahon
Sylvia Menno
Heath Mensher
Ross Miller
Rodney Mitchell
John Monforte
Laura Moss
Lou Mucci
Joseph Mulica
Betty Ann Murphy
Ed Murphy
Sarah Beth Nelson
Michael Newport
Al Nolan-cohn
Michael O'shea
Robert Palumbo
Francis Panuccio
Cory Parker
Nancy Parker
Sarah Jessica Parker
Glenfield Payne
Jay Peck
John Pernal
Dan Perri
Hannah Peterson
Pete Picchietti
Lou Pitt
Chris Place
Ronald Plant
Julie Pongos
Julie Pongos
Mary Ellen Porto
Mary Prlain
Frank Proscia
Jeff Pullman
Chris Purificato
Chris Purificato
James Quinn
Moshe Rabinowitz
Nick Rafferty
Katie Ray
Melinda Relyea
Randall Richards
Dexter Roberts
Tim Ross
Zoe Rotter
Danny Rovira
Lisa Sardinas
Jean Sassine
Lizz Scalice
Michelle Schluter
Mark Schwartzbard
Kelly Seaman
Michael Shaw
Robin Sheridan
David Silber
Markham Sindeband
Nuria Sitja
Loren Sklar
Tom Slater
Julie Solomon
Trevor Sperry
Robin Squibb
Keith Steinberg
Nicolas Stiliadis
Daniel Swee
Jeff Taisey
John Thomas
John Thomas
Lou Thomas
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring March 27, 2009
Limited Release in United States March 27, 2009
Released in United States on Video June 9, 2009
Released in United States 2007
Shown at Montreal World Film Festival (World Competition) August 23-September 3, 2007.
Based on the play "Spinning Into Butter" written by Rebecca Gilman.
Feature directorial debut for Mark Brokaw.
Released in United States Spring March 27, 2009
Limited Release in United States March 27, 2009
Released in United States on Video June 9, 2009
Released in United States 2007 (Shown at Montreal World Film Festival (World Competition) August 23-September 3, 2007.)