One Wonderful Night
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
E. H. Calvert
Francis X. Bushman
John Cossar
Helen Dunbar
Beverly Bayne
Little Drew
Film Details

Lady Hermione flees to New York to escape marriage to Count Vassilan, a penniless Frenchman, whom her father, the ne'er-do-well Earl of Vallefort, would like for a son-in-law so that he can manipulate his daughter's maternal inheritance. Hermione hires Jean de Courtois to marry her, not knowing that he also is in her father's employ. On the night before Hermione and Jean's wedding, complications lead to his presumed death, which is reported to the future bride by John Delancey Curtis, an American who had been in China building railroads for many years. Hermione and John fall in love at first sight and marry that same evening. Following a series of misadventures, all matters of murder and deception among de Courtois' and Vassilan's cohort are solved by detective Steingall, and John and Hermione are able to begin their married life.

E. H. Calvert

Francis X. Bushman
John Cossar
Helen Dunbar
Beverly Bayne
Little Drew
Howard Watrous
Thomas Commerford
Rapley Holmes
Leo White
Edward Babille
Charles Hitchcock
M. C. Von Betz

Bryant Washburn
E. H. Calvert
Harry Mainhall
Robert Bolder

Film Details

Francis X. Bushman was selected by a readers' poll conducted by the Ladies' World as the leading man whom most women wanted to see playing the part of John Delancey Curtis.