Ding Dong
Brief Synopsis
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This film is a record of an Oakland, California burlesque show featuring striptease dancer Illona. The show begins with Colleen singing about being a lady in the chorus and is followed by a series of striptease dances with musical accompaniment. Between dances, the female dancers and male comedians perform comedy sketches and jokes together. In one sketch, three of the dancers pretend to be union presidents in the garment industry. Following announcements that their unions are striking, the girls and their male sympathizer, Beetlepuss, throw the appropriate apparel off in solidarity, from hat makers down to the underwear union. The show closes with an introduction of each "lady" in the cast.
W. Merle Connell
Film Details
Technical Specs
The opening cards read: "Roadshow Attractions presents The Moulin Rouge Revue Ding Dong with Illona the Bavarian Orchid, Jennie Lee and Iva Pratt." Opening credits conclude with the following written statement: "Girl shows have been called the 'tired business man's relaxation.' Not everybody is a business man and some of us are not even tired, but business man or not, tired or not, we all love pretty girls. So let's imagine we are in the cozy Moulin Rouge Theatre in Oakland where we can sit back and enjoy the Red Mill Cuties in Ding Dong. Relax boys, here we go!" Stars Illona, Jennie Lee and Iva Pratt are listed at the beginning and the end of the onscreen credits. Onscreen credits do not include composers for the two songs performed in the film, though the opening song's title was listed as "I Was a Lady of the Chorus."