Gutter Girls
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Robert Hartford-davis
Jacqueline Ellis
Annette Whiteley
Georgina Patterson
Anne Kettle
Margaret Vieler
Film Details
Technical Specs
A group of teenaged girls in a boarding school proudly wear yellow teddy bear pins to show that they are not virgins. Sixteen-year-old Linda Donaghue, neglected by her parents, joins the group and becomes pregnant by one of her lovers, Kinky, a window cleaner and pop singer. June Wilson, a prostitute who holds parties for the girls in her apartment, arranges an abortion for Linda and suggests that she earn the money to pay for it by selling herself. Linda's father finds out about the planned abortion and tries to prevent it. Refusing to admit that his own neglect is linked with his daughter's condition, he blames the school's biology teacher, Anne Mason, who earlier discovered the teddy bear club and tried to discuss sex frankly with the girls. Reprimanded by the school board, Miss Mason resigns after an emotional outburst in which she insists that she was trying to help the girls. By this time, Linda has discovered that her parents are planning to send her away, and she runs away to London.
Robert Hartford-davis
Jacqueline Ellis
Annette Whiteley
Georgina Patterson
Anne Kettle
Margaret Vieler
Noel Dyson
Victor Brooks
Richard Bebb
Ann Castle
Douglas Sheldon
Lesley Dudley
Iain Gregory
Jill Adams
John Bonney
Lucette Marimar
John Glynne Jones
Valli Newby
Norman Mitchell
Earle Green
Harriette Johns
Ruth Kettlewell
Hilary Mason
Micheline Patton
Raymond Huntley
Shirley Cameron
Julie Martin
Bernadette Milnes
Caron Gardner
Paula Gordon
Irene Richardson
Sheila Houston
The Embers
Colin Corby
Jackie Cummins
Teddy Darvas
Jimmy Evans
Derek Ford
Derek Ford
Donald Ford
Ronnie Fox-rogers
Gordon Gilbert
Ann Guttridge
Robert Hartford-davis
Eileen Head
Audrey Ives
Jimmy James
Sidney Leggett
Denis Lewiston
Albert Lott
Ross Mackenzie
Malcolm Mitchell
Peter Newbrook
Sid Palmer
John Poyner
Ken Reynolds
Bert Ross
Bernard Sarron
Jim Sawyer
Jack Smart
Bobbie Smith
Robert Sterne
Jack Sullivan
Laurie Turner
David Woodward
Film Details
Technical Specs
Released in Great Britain in July 1963 as The Yellow Teddybears, running time: 85 min. Also known as The Thrill Seekers. The working title of this film is The Yellow Golliwog.