Gutter Girls

1h 28m 1964

Brief Synopsis

A clique of girls in an English school wear a small yellow teddybear on their uniform to signify that they have lost their virginity. Linda, the girl's leader, fears she may be pregnant from her window cleaner boyfriend, "Kinky", an aspiring pop singer. Desperate, and unable to confide in her parents, she must wrestle with her conscience and decide what course of action to take. Meanwhile, a concerned teacher learns the significance of the yellow teddybears, and in trying to help the girls in question, puts her own career in jeopardy.

Film Details

Also Known As
The Thrill Seekers, The Yellow Golliwog, The Yellow Teddybears
Release Date
Jul 1964
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Animated Motion Pictures;
Distribution Company
Topaz Film Corp.
United Kingdom

Technical Specs

1h 28m
Black and White


A group of teenaged girls in a boarding school proudly wear yellow teddy bear pins to show that they are not virgins. Sixteen-year-old Linda Donaghue, neglected by her parents, joins the group and becomes pregnant by one of her lovers, Kinky, a window cleaner and pop singer. June Wilson, a prostitute who holds parties for the girls in her apartment, arranges an abortion for Linda and suggests that she earn the money to pay for it by selling herself. Linda's father finds out about the planned abortion and tries to prevent it. Refusing to admit that his own neglect is linked with his daughter's condition, he blames the school's biology teacher, Anne Mason, who earlier discovered the teddy bear club and tried to discuss sex frankly with the girls. Reprimanded by the school board, Miss Mason resigns after an emotional outburst in which she insists that she was trying to help the girls. By this time, Linda has discovered that her parents are planning to send her away, and she runs away to London.

Film Details

Also Known As
The Thrill Seekers, The Yellow Golliwog, The Yellow Teddybears
Release Date
Jul 1964
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Animated Motion Pictures;
Distribution Company
Topaz Film Corp.
United Kingdom

Technical Specs

1h 28m
Black and White




Released in Great Britain in July 1963 as The Yellow Teddybears, running time: 85 min. Also known as The Thrill Seekers. The working title of this film is The Yellow Golliwog.