Sztalin Menyasszonya
Brief Synopsis
A young woman, the village idiot, is mistaken for a foreign spy by local authorities.
Cast & Crew
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Peter Bacso
Juli Basti
György Cserhalmi
Nina Petri
Gyula Ats
Janos Ban
Film Details
Also Known As
Stalin's Bride, Stalin's Girlfriend
Release Date
Production Company
Technical Specs
1h 33m
A young woman, the village idiot, is mistaken for a foreign spy by local authorities.
Peter Bacso
Film Details
Also Known As
Stalin's Bride, Stalin's Girlfriend
Release Date
Production Company
Technical Specs
1h 33m
Stalin's Bride - Controversial Anti-Soviet Satire from Hungarian Director Peter Bacso
Synopsis: A Russian village, perhaps in the 1930s. A train comes to take away all privately held valuables for "the use of the masses." Handsome Zorka (György Cserhalmi) reluctantly surrenders his beloved horse Sonatina to the Soviet comissars, but spends time in jail for knifing a worker who abuses the horse as it's loaded on the train. From then on he hangs around the town café refusing to join in the farm collective, an attitude that earns him disfavor in the eyes of the party representative policing proper Soviet behavior. Paranya (Juli Básti), a mentally defective outcast, wears a potato sack and is usually covered with mud. She cannot possibly fit into the new order, as the narrow-minded bureaucrats have been given no leeway to deal with people with 'special' problems. Paranya takes abuse from the local boys while the local teacher rebuffs her infantile gestures of affection.
One day Paranya reacts to the new portrait of Stalin by proclaiming loudly that she's the great leader's girlfriend. The police chief turns her over to the state authorities, Having been given no leeway in interpreting actions inconsistent with party policy, they decide that Paranya's inability to respond is evidence that she's a foreign agent. But torture produces no confession. Unable to close the case and unwilling to admit a mistake, the frustrated inquisitors decide that someone else must be "guilty." After all, the miserable girl only proclaimed her love for Stalin. Paranya is returned to the village and the responsibility for her arrest is passed down to the lowest policeman on the force. Denounced, he's taken away. But now that Paranya has the official sanction of state, she becomes a menace. Confused by her torture sessions, she responds to any crisis with hysterical fits, imitating her inquisitors by accusing innocent individuals of being spies. One by one they're hauled off to prison, never to return ...
Stalin's Bride is an absorbing, somewhat depressing fable about life under Communist rule made by people who experienced the system first-hand. More likely than not, the Stalinist era in Eastern Europe will continue to be a dominant theme for generations to come, just as our American Civil War was still a living reality at least halfway through the 20th century. Jörg Schoch's narrative uses inescapable logic to demonstrate how Communist policies supposedly meant for the good of the masses, translate almost immediately into oppressive and inhuman policies.
The key is Stalin's terror-based leadership style. The comrades worship Stalin mainly because it's unhealthy not to; a woman doing her washing routinely voices fatuous pro-Stalinist sentiments as a way of staving off suspicion that she might be a closeted reactionary. The petty commissars live in abject fear of making a mistake, and compensate by becoming humorless autocrats. The first order of business is always to find someone to blame, and since accusations need no basis of logic or reason, it's better to denounce someone before they denounce you. Errors are never acknowledged, as any documented mistake will be invariably be interpreted as treasonous negligence. This tendency was satirized in a joke in the old The National Lampoon comedy magazine: A Russian aircraft designer accidentally creases a blueprint, and the engineers are so afraid of the consequences that they pass the blueprint along without comment. The airplane is built with a big fold in its fuselage. Test pilots will be killed trying to fly it, but at least the engineers won't have to face a firing squad.
Zorka's village crumbles into a dysfunctional mess under Soviet rule, with the only civic improvements being a portrait of Stalin and a red pole under a public address loudspeaker. The constable can't control Paranya any more than he can the local drunk or Zorka's refusal to join the ranks of the collectivized workers. The mentally challenged Paranya has feelings and needs that would make her a pariah no matter what the system of government. Like Peter Sellers' Chauncey Gardiner in Jerzy Kosinski's Being There, she functions as a catalyst uncovering the essential hypocrisy of society. Unable to funnel her through the usual police process -- a confession followed by a summary execution -- the police have to toss her back and look for another scapegoat so their case can be closed.
Péter Bacsó's simple but effective direction emphasizes absurd contrasts. We sympathize with Paranya only up to a point, as actress Juli Básti doesn't play her as an adorable gamin. Her personality shattered, Paranya screams out the same threats that were screamed at her under torture: "Dirty traitor, Dirty spy!" Dire consequences befall anyone who accidentally upsets her. The only truly likeable character is György Cserhalmi's Zorka's individualist. He loves dumb animals and will eventually opt to do what seems the only humane thing under the circumstances.
Online information on director Péter Bacsó is sparse. He eventually became the director of a state-run film studio. We're informed that actress Juli Básti dubs American television shows into Hungarian, and presently provides the Hungarian voice for Nicolette Sheridan in Desperate Housewives.
Facets Video's DVD of Bunyik Entertainment's Stalin's Bride is a plain-wrap presentation of acceptable video quality. The non-enhanced 1:66 image has subdued color but is clean and bright. The clear Hungarian audio track is augmented with non-removable English subtitles. The copy presented for review is a check disc with one menu that lists just one selection, Play. The disc has no chapter encoding. The crude cover art indicates that no stills or posters could be located for the film.
For more information about Stalin's Bride, visit Facets Multimedia. To order Stalin's Bride, go to TCM Shopping.
by Glenn Erickson

Stalin's Bride - Controversial Anti-Soviet Satire from Hungarian Director Peter Bacso
Veteran Hungarian writer-director Péter Bacsó has
been producing his share of controversial films since 1950. The
Witness (A Tanú) from 1969 was reportedly a criticism of
the Stalinist takeover of Hungary in 1949 but the director
continued working right through the breakup of the Soviet Union in
the early 1990s. Sztálin menyasszonya, known as
Stalin's Bride and Stalin's Girlfriend is a pointedly
anti-Soviet film that uses a farcical framework as part of its
criticism of totalitarian oppression. The form may be comedic but
the film is deadly serious about its subject. The only laughs
present are extremely bitter.
Synopsis: A Russian village, perhaps in the 1930s. A train comes to
take away all privately held valuables for "the use of the masses."
Handsome Zorka (György Cserhalmi) reluctantly surrenders his
beloved horse Sonatina to the Soviet comissars, but spends time in
jail for knifing a worker who abuses the horse as it's loaded on
the train. From then on he hangs around the town café
refusing to join in the farm collective, an attitude that earns him
disfavor in the eyes of the party representative policing proper
Soviet behavior. Paranya (Juli Básti), a mentally defective
outcast, wears a potato sack and is usually covered with mud. She
cannot possibly fit into the new order, as the narrow-minded
bureaucrats have been given no leeway to deal with people with
'special' problems. Paranya takes abuse from the local boys while
the local teacher rebuffs her infantile gestures of affection.
One day Paranya reacts to the new portrait of Stalin by
proclaiming loudly that she's the great leader's girlfriend. The
police chief turns her over to the state authorities, Having been
given no leeway in interpreting actions inconsistent with party
policy, they decide that Paranya's inability to respond is evidence
that she's a foreign agent. But torture produces no confession.
Unable to close the case and unwilling to admit a mistake, the
frustrated inquisitors decide that someone else must be "guilty."
After all, the miserable girl only proclaimed her love for Stalin.
Paranya is returned to the village and the responsibility for her
arrest is passed down to the lowest policeman on the force.
Denounced, he's taken away. But now that Paranya has the official
sanction of state, she becomes a menace. Confused by her torture
sessions, she responds to any crisis with hysterical fits,
imitating her inquisitors by accusing innocent individuals of being
spies. One by one they're hauled off to prison, never to return ...
Stalin's Bride is an absorbing, somewhat depressing fable
about life under Communist rule made by people who experienced the
system first-hand. More likely than not, the Stalinist era in
Eastern Europe will continue to be a dominant theme for generations
to come, just as our American Civil War was still a living reality
at least halfway through the 20th century. Jörg Schoch's
narrative uses inescapable logic to demonstrate how Communist
policies supposedly meant for the good of the masses, translate
almost immediately into oppressive and inhuman policies.
The key is Stalin's terror-based leadership style. The comrades
worship Stalin mainly because it's unhealthy not to; a woman doing
her washing routinely voices fatuous pro-Stalinist sentiments as a
way of staving off suspicion that she might be a closeted
reactionary. The petty commissars live in abject fear of making a
mistake, and compensate by becoming humorless autocrats. The first
order of business is always to find someone to blame, and since
accusations need no basis of logic or reason, it's better to
denounce someone before they denounce you. Errors are never
acknowledged, as any documented mistake will be invariably be
interpreted as treasonous negligence. This tendency was satirized
in a joke in the old The National Lampoon comedy magazine: A
Russian aircraft designer accidentally creases a blueprint, and the
engineers are so afraid of the consequences that they pass the
blueprint along without comment. The airplane is built with a big
fold in its fuselage. Test pilots will be killed trying to fly it,
but at least the engineers won't have to face a firing
Zorka's village crumbles into a dysfunctional mess under Soviet
rule, with the only civic improvements being a portrait of Stalin
and a red pole under a public address loudspeaker. The constable
can't control Paranya any more than he can the local drunk or
Zorka's refusal to join the ranks of the collectivized workers. The
mentally challenged Paranya has feelings and needs that would make
her a pariah no matter what the system of government. Like Peter
Sellers' Chauncey Gardiner in Jerzy Kosinski's Being There,
she functions as a catalyst uncovering the essential hypocrisy of
society. Unable to funnel her through the usual police process -- a
confession followed by a summary execution -- the police have to
toss her back and look for another scapegoat so their case can be
Péter Bacsó's simple but effective direction
emphasizes absurd contrasts. We sympathize with Paranya only up to
a point, as actress Juli Básti doesn't play her as an
adorable gamin. Her personality shattered, Paranya screams out the
same threats that were screamed at her under torture: "Dirty
traitor, Dirty spy!" Dire consequences befall anyone who
accidentally upsets her. The only truly likeable character is
György Cserhalmi's Zorka's individualist. He loves dumb
animals and will eventually opt to do what seems the only humane
thing under the circumstances.
Online information on director Péter Bacsó is sparse.
He eventually became the director of a state-run film studio. We're
informed that actress Juli Básti dubs American television
shows into Hungarian, and presently provides the Hungarian voice
for Nicolette Sheridan in Desperate Housewives.
Facets Video's DVD of Bunyik Entertainment's Stalin's Bride
is a plain-wrap presentation of acceptable video quality. The
non-enhanced 1:66 image has subdued color but is clean and bright.
The clear Hungarian audio track is augmented with non-removable
English subtitles. The copy presented for review is a check disc
with one menu that lists just one selection, Play. The disc has no
chapter encoding. The crude cover art indicates that no stills or
posters could be located for the film.
For more information about Stalin's Bride, visit Facets Multimedia. To order Stalin's Bride, go to
TCM Shopping.
by Glenn Erickson
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States March 28, 2006
Released in United States on DVD March 28, 2006
c Eastmancolor
Released in United States March 28, 2006
Released in United States on DVD March 28, 2006