The Trouble Buster
Cast & Crew
Frank Reicher
Vivian Martin
James Neill
Paul Willis
Charles West
Louise Harris
Film Details

Soon after their arrival in America, Romanian immigrant Franz Libelt dies, leaving his daughter Michelna an orphan. Michelna is befriended by Blackie Moyle, another orphan, who offers the girl his home, a large piano box in a vacant lot, and teaches her to be a "newsie." A friendship springs up between the two, and Michelna cuts off her curls, dresses as a boy and changes her name to Mike. After Blackie is blinded while protecting the girl from a thief, Mike is forced to find a way to support them both. It occurs to her that two clay statuettes sculpted by herself and Blackie might be valuable, and so she takes them to an art exhibit. When Mike's statue, known as the "trouble buster," sells immediately, she helps her friend by claiming that the artist is really Blackie. He then becomes the sensation of the art world and is sent to Paris to have his sight restored. Finally able to see again, Blackie understands Mike's deception and returns to America to set things right. When he finally finds Michelna, she asks him why he came back and he replies, "for the love of Mike."


Frank Reicher
Vivian Martin
James Neill
Paul Willis
Charles West
Louise Harris
Mary Mersch
Vera Lewis

Film Details

Early titles for the film were Love O' Mike and The Dogy. Tom Forman wrote the original story, which was revised by Gardner Hunting.