Something Different
Cast & Crew
R. William Neill
Constance Binney
Lucy Fox
Ward Crane
Crane Wilbur
Gertrude Hillman
Film Details

Alicia Lea, an orphan and heiress being forced into a marriage for money, goes to visit her friend Rosa Vargas, who is married to a rich planter in Santiago, Cuba. Rosa's husband Don Luis Vargas is a revolutionary, hostile to the government headed by the president and his brother Don Mariano Calderon, commander of the army. When Alicia visits the fort with the Vargases, the garrison mutinies, and Don Mariano's troops attack. Alicia is captured by Mariano but treated well, and, after she begs Mariano to spare Vargas' life, she is allowed to return to America. Later, in New York, Alicia meets Mariano, exiled from his country for allowing the political prisoners, including Vargas, to escape. Mariano and Alicia fall in love.

R. William Neill
Constance Binney
Lucy Fox
Ward Crane

Crane Wilbur
Gertrude Hillman
Mark Smith
Grace Studdiford
William Riley Hatch
Adolph Millar

Film Details