A Million a Minute
Cast & Crew
John W. Noble
Francis X. Bushman
Beverly Bayne
Robert Cummings
William Bailey
Helen Dunbar
Film Details

Miles Quaintance continually persecutes Ellen Sheridan, a widow who once refused his proposal. Finally, however, he relents, and, after amassing a fortune, promises to leave it to Ellen's son Stephen provided that he agree to marry Miles' ward Dagmar, whom Stephen has never met, by midnight of May 31. When Stephen proudly refuses the offer, Mark Seager, a gunrunner, decides to assume Stephen's identity, marry Dagmar, and claim the money. Meanwhile, the unscrupulous Duke de Reves, whom Dagmar secretly married and then deserted when she found out he had a child with another woman, is also in pursuit of Miles' ward. Then, Stephen meets Dagmar and falls in love. All three men follow Dagmar to Paris, where Mark kills the duke, after which Stephen fights off Mark. Noticing that it is ten minutes to midnight on May 31, Dagmar and Stephen then make plans to get married as soon as it is June.

John W. Noble

Francis X. Bushman
Beverly Bayne

Robert Cummings
William Bailey
Helen Dunbar
John Davidson
Charles Prince
Mrs. Walker
Carl Brickert
Mary Moore
Jerome Wilson

Film Details