Horse Sense
Cast & Crew
Ward Hayes
Richard Hatton
Marilyn Mills
Elias Bullock
Leon Kent
Ray Thompson
Film Details

En route to Inferno Flats, drifter Robert Mayfield encounters Bluff Harkins, who has robbed a bank and now forces Mayfield to exchange clothes. Mayfield narrowly escapes being lynched by Nat Culver--foreman of Molly McLane's Bar-X Ranch, Bluff's cohort, and the posse leader. Soon after Mayfield goes to work for Molly and sparks Culver's jealousy, the pair engage in an edge-of-a-cliff fight that leaves Mayfield seriously injured and determined to leave the Bar-X. In his absence, Culver lures Molly away from the ranch and abandons her in the wagon when the horses bolt. Mayfield prevents Molly from going over a cliff, and Culver's duplicity is exposed. Both Beverly and Star figure prominently in the action.

Ward Hayes
Richard Hatton
Marilyn Mills
Elias Bullock
Leon Kent
Ray Thompson
Beverly, A Horse

Film Details