Children of the Ghetto
Cast & Crew
Frank Powell
Wilton Lackaye
Ruby Hoffman
Ethel Kaufman
Frank Andrews
Luis Alberni
Film Details

In a prologue, actor Wilton Lackaye reads the story Children of the Ghetto . Seated opposite him is the character whom Lackaye portrays, Reb Shemuel, a benevolent religious leader. In the main story, Reb Shemuel's son arrives drunk at a Passover feast, insults his father and blasphemes God. When he is injured in a cabaret brawl, Shemuel refuses to see him. Remembering his religious obligation, Shemuel rushes to the hospital and hears his son beg forgiveness before he dies. After the fiancé of a friend of Shemuel's beloved daughter Hannah puts a wedding ring on Hannah's finger in jest and says the marriage vows, Shemuel performs a divorce. Later, Hannah is about to marry David Brandon, when an unsuccessful suitor, Pincus the poet, reminds the congregation that David is a descendant of the priestly tribe of Cohen, who are forbidden to marry divorced women. After David and Hannah marry in a civil ceremony, she becomes estranged from her father, whose sorrow is compounded by the death of his devoted wife. Several years later, Shemuel conducts a lonely Passover seder at a table of empty chairs. Hannah, now widowed, and her two children occupy the chairs, and the old man accepts them lovingly.

Frank Powell
Wilton Lackaye
Ruby Hoffman
Ethel Kaufman
Frank Andrews
Luis Alberni
Irene Boyle
Victor Benoit
David Bruce
William R. Hatch
J. Albert Hall

Film Details

Wilton Lackaye starred in the original stage production. The Fox Film Corp. became the new name of the Box Office Attraction Co. in February 1915, around the time of this film's release.