The Leopard Son
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Hugo Van Lawick
John Gielgud
Stewart Copeland
Michael Thompson
Ally Abeid
Pepijn Aben
Film Details
Technical Specs
The true story of the birth, growth and coming of age of a leopard cub in Africa's Serengeti plain. The journey of "The Leopard Son" begins at his mother's side where he discovers, through play, essential skills for survival in the wild. As it is with humans, there inevitably comes the day when a child must leave his mother to go out on his own. For young leopards, though, it's the parent who makes the final break. Left with a last meal to carry him over the next few days, the leopard son realizes that he must start to make his own kills... or starve. From this point forward, the young leopard is forced to put his skills to the test in order to sustain himself. His attempts to hunt lead him far from home, on and adventurous and sometimes dangerous trip that has much to teach him. After a year of wonderous experiences, the leopard returns to his mother's territory and to the tree he regards as his home. There, life and death on the Serengeti come full circle.
Hugo Van Lawick
John Gielgud
Stewart Copeland
Michael Thompson
Ally Abeid
Pepijn Aben
Matthew Aberhard
Ismail Aenani
Liesbeth Aldenkamp
Christina Aldrich
Michael Andreas
Patrice Andrews
Hans Dreijer Audio
Andrea Awe
Joep Backers
Denise Baddour
Hugo Baratholew
Janice Beatty
Nina Blassengale
Mike Boyd
Edith Brinkers
Stanley Clarke
Stewart Copeland
Tim Cowling
Tim Cowling
Mathieu Cox
Geert Debruin
Clarisse Dejongh
Michael Dittrick
Claire Downey
Hans Dreijer
Rhonda Eastman
Kimaro Elward
Ed Farley
Mark Fletcher
Sydni Whitfield Flowers
Nelson Funk
Paul Gies
Alek Goosse
Marlene Hajdu
Janet Hill
Mark Hollinger
Jos Houtenbos
Pien Houthoff
Karen Hoy
Karen Hoy
Elizabeth Iliff
Linda Isaac
Todd Johnson
Cheryl Jones
Mustapha Juma
Mick Kaczorowski
Paul King
Fredrick Kissenga
Mel Kutbay
Dominique Lefever
Maryline Lefort
Marina Lerchs
Joseph Magee
Lucas Massawe
Tim Masters
Judith Mbise
Willie Mbunga
Hamisi Mbwego
Patricia Meeus
Joseph Melskens
Judd Miller
Caroli Mlay
Julios Mollei
Karni Morris
Greg Moyer
Zaburi Msuya
Naiman Mungure
Susan Murrow
Gerrit Netten
Michael Olmert
Immaculate Opok
Denielle Pemberton
Patricia Petersen
David Pierce
Stefanie Pollard
Robert Poole
Derek Power
Bryan Priestley
Dawn Quattruci
Hansje Ran
Chris Renty
Anne Romer
George Roumeguere
Stan Sargent
Jeff Seitz
Luther Senge
Stephen Senge
Catherine Shields
Greg Smith
Holly Stadtler
William Stedman
Amy Stern
Greta Thijs
Boris Trentelman
Sharyn Tylk-gersh
Stefania Valentino
Evert Van Den Bos
Hugo Van Lawick
Hugo Van Lawick
Hugo Van Lawick
Krista Van Lewen
Anton Van Munster
Oscar Verhoeve
Marcel Warnas
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Limited Release in United States September 27, 1996
Released in United States 1996
Released in United States Fall September 27, 1996
Released in United States on Video April 15, 1997
Released in United States September 1996
Shown at Boston Film Festival September 6-19, 1996.
Shown at Seattle International Film Festival May 16 - June 9, 1996.
Completed shooting September 1995.
Released in United States 1996 (Shown at Seattle International Film Festival May 16 - June 9, 1996.)
Released in United States on Video April 15, 1997
Released in United States September 1996 (Shown at Boston Film Festival September 6-19, 1996.)
Limited Release in United States September 27, 1996
Released in United States Fall September 27, 1996