Last Man Standing
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Walter Hill
Bruce Willis
Bruce Dern
Christopher Walken
Karina Lombard
David Patrick Kelly
Film Details
Technical Specs
With its unpaved streets and rickety buildings, Jericho, Texas is an unlikely outpost for gun-toting mobs from Chicago. But with Prohibition in full swing, tweed-suited rum-runners have corrupted and terrorized this sleepy border town. Civil law is dead. Like their bosses in the Windy City, the leaders of Jericho's rival crime families are warring for control of a lucrative bounty of booze: truckloads of 100-proof, making their way from Mexico to a thirsty nation's illicit network of gin joints and speakeasies. Fatefully, a mysterious loner, Smith, passes through looking for a place to spend the night, but quickly decides to cash in on the action. He cleverly hires himself out to each gang while remaining loyal to no one but himself. A soldier-of-fortune with his own agenda, he betrays both sides to the other in a bold attempt to destroy the bootleggers and rescue what remains of Jericho's shell-shocked residents. But a traitor cannot live among mercenaries without being exposed and killed.
Walter Hill

Bruce Willis

Bruce Dern

Christopher Walken
Karina Lombard
David Patrick Kelly
Kerry Lynch
Michael P Casey
Sonny D'angelo
Matt O'toole
Ted Markland
Rocky Reyna Galiente
Leslie Mann
Bill Rochon
Arnie Alpert
Michael Lerner
John Paxton
Ed Rote
Timothy Gallegos
Patrick Kilpatrick
Jim Wilkey
Robert Coffee
Michael Mcbride
Ned Eisenberg
Jimmy Ortega
Raynor Scheine
Dean Rader-duval
Cassandra Gava
Thomas Rosales Jr.
William Sanderson
Scott Pierce
Hannes Fritsch
Dana Bambo
Lin Shaye
Michael Cavalieri
Joachim Cooder
Paul Lyons
Michael Strasser
Chris Doyle
Ken Jenkins
Kurt Hulett
Tiny Ron
Michael Prozzo
R.d. Call
Joe Kay
Luis Contreras
Alexandra Powers
Andrew Alden
Allan Graf
Randy Hall
Scott Strand
Jim Palmer
Larry Holt
Michael Imperioli
Rick Merring
Philip Ciano
Carmine Grippo
Ken Medlock
Michael Cordeiro
Lloyd Ahern Jr.
John Albrecht
Nicholas Allen
Bunny Andrews
Louis E Angelo
J Tom Archuleta
David A Arnold
Mary-gail Artz
Fred L Ayoub
Steve Badillo
Marilyn Bailey
Frank Ballou
Bill Banyai
Perry Barndt
Henry Bean
Carl Boles
Mike Bonnaud
George Borghi
David F. Bornstein
Bradley J Bovee
Richard Branca
Daniel B Briggs
Tom Briggs
Mark Broneau
Gordon Brown
Leah Brown
Gary Burritt
Lisa Butala
Rick Canelli
Christopher Carlson
Kimberley Gallagher Carlton
Michael Carrillo
Jeff Case
Spartan Castiglioni
Casey Cavanaugh
Lawrence James Cavanaugh
David Chase
Michael Chavez
Barry Chusid
Barbara Cohen
Ry Cooder
Blake Cornett
Rick Cox
Wendy Cox
Scott Crabbe
Steve Craft
Ian Crockett
Mark Cueto
Mike Cunningham
Freeman Davies
Steve Dawson
Michael De Luca
Lois Dearmond
Dale Destefani
Jesus Dominguez
Teri E. Dorman
Dallas Dornan
Stephen J Eads
Mark Elias
Chuck Enzen
Gary Fettis
David Finkelstein
Arlene Fishbach
Eric Fitzgerald
Deirdre Fitzpatrick
Dorothy D Fox
Susie Gaines
Andre Gaudry
Nerses Gezalyan
Emily Glatter
Carmine Goglia
Frank Gonzales
Jennifer S Gottlieb
Allan Graf
Allan Graf
Robert J Grindrod
Pascal Guillemard
Lynda Halligan
Ellis Hark
Gene Hartline
Gary Hecker
Scott Hecker
Paula Heller
D. M. Hemphill
Chris Henrich
Herb Hickey
Walter Hill
Walter Hill
Tom Hoerber
Valerie Holguin
Gordon Huggins
Margo Hunt
Scott Jackson
Terry Jackson
Barbara Ann Jaeckel
Kelly Jaramillo
Karen Jarnecke
Carol Johnson
Peter Kanfer
Mark S. Kaufman
Brent Kaviar
Lynee Mcquaker Kavner
Barry Kellogg
Ryuzo Kikushima
Steven Klinghoffer
Joseph Brad Kluge
Jeffrey D. Knott
Michael Kolko
Joe Kraft
David Kulczycki
Akira Kurosawa
Joyce Kurtz
Jeff Kushon
Mark Labonge
Robert Labonge
Bridgette Lester
Gary Liddiard
Gary Littlejohn
Cricky Long
Michael J Long
Ernest Lopez
John Loveless
Sean Madden
Ruby K Manis
Paul Massey
Jeff Matthews
John H. Maxwell
Steve Mclean
Todd Mcmullen
Sharon Medearis
Charlie Messenger
Henry Millar
Thomas R Miller
Paul A Minitello
Barbara Montoya
Dan Moore
Leslie Morris
Harold Munz
Ralph Nelson
Jennifer Nickson
Philip Norden
Jan O'connell
Thomas J. O'connell
Jeff Okabayashi
Lee Orloff
Maureen Osburne
Lauren Palmer
Bunny Parker
Robbie Parvis
Matt Patterson
Patricia M Peters
Wendy Peterson
Bob Pitto
Paul Plannette
Damian Polito
William D Pollack
John Pontrelli
Scott Pritchett
Paul Prokop
Ronald J Pure
Gerald Quist
Thell Reed
Mike Reedy
Sara Risher
Michael D Roberts
Rail Rogut
Sara Romilly
Gilbert Rosales
Suzanne Rosencrans
David Rowden
Bret Rubin
Scott Rubin
John J Rutchland
Jeremiah Samuels
Dana Sano
Elisa Sansalone
Arthur Sarkissian
Lee Schauer
Lisa Schoebrun
Yoko Seto
Susan Shackelford
Allan Sides
Joe Sierra
Ralph Singleton
Ralph Singleton
John J Slatsky
Brandon Smith
Paul Sonski
Duke City Sound
Bruce Steinheimer
Jeffrey D. Stevens
George Steward
Lori Stilson
Mike Swift
Donald Sylvester
David Timoner
Kenny Tosic
Dan Treinish
Barbara Truetelaar
Pete Turner
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of the Best Actor Prize (Mifune) at the 1961 Venice Film Festival.
Released in United States 1996
Released in United States Fall September 20, 1996
Released in United States on Video February 25, 1997
Restored print shown at Venice International Film Festival (Out of Competition - Venice Nights) August 29-September 8, 2007.
Shown at the 1961 Venice Film Festival.
Shown at Venice Film Festival (Venetian Nights) August 29 - September 7, 1996.
Released in United States 1996 (Shown at Venice Film Festival (Venetian Nights) August 29 - September 7, 1996.)
Released in United States on Video February 25, 1997
Released in United States Fall September 20, 1996
Based upon Akira Kurosawa's "Yojimbo" (Japan/1961), starring Toshiro Mifune. Kurosawa's film was previously remade as "Fistful of Dollars" (Italy/1964), directed by Sergio Leone and starring Clint Eastwood.
A remake of Akira Kurosawa's "Yojimbo" (Japan/1961).
Director-writer Leone was credited onscreen as Bob Robertson in original European prints of the film.
Released in USA on video.
Began shooting September 11, 1995.
Completed shooting late December 1995.
First of the "Spaghetti Western" collaborations with Leone and Clint Eastwood. Followed by "For A Few Dollars More" and "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly".
Re-released in Paris February 6, 1991.