Gone Girl
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
David Fincher
Brett Leigh
Tyler Perry
Rosamund Pike
Scoot Mcnairy
Lee Norris
Film Details
Technical Specs
Former New York writer Nick Dunne and his beautiful wife, Amy, now trying to make ends meet in the mid-recession Midwest - appear to be the picture of contemporary marital bliss. But on the occasion of their 5th wedding anniversary, Amy goes missing. Under pressure from the police and a growing media frenzy, Nick's portrait of a perfect marriage begins to crumble. Soon his lies, deceits and strange behavior have everyone asking the same dark question: Did Nick Dunne kill his wife? Amy becomes the vaunted object of a media frenzy as the search for her, dead or alive, plays out before the eyes of a world thirsting for revelations. Based on the novel "Gone Girl," written by Gillian Flynn.

David Fincher
Brett Leigh
Tyler Perry
Rosamund Pike
Scoot Mcnairy
Lee Norris
Patrick Fugit
Missi Pyle
Neil Patrick Harris

David Clennon
Lynn Freedman
Cooper Thornton
Leonard Kelly-young
Darin Cooper
Julia Prud¿homme
Lola Kirke
Jamie Mcshane
Scott Takeda
Carrie Coon
Boyd Holbrook
Casey Wilson
Sela Ward

Ben Affleck
Freddie Cross
Richard Brunton
Lauren Glazier
Casey Ruggieri
Kim Dickens
Lisa Banes
Antonio St. James
Mark Atteberry
Blake Sheldon
Donna Rusch
Katherine Campbell
Emily Ratajkowski
Cyd Strittmatter
Kathleen Rose Perkins
Damien Abdool
Alfred Agius
Madison Ainley
Juan Jose Aja
Dan Akers
Sylvia Akuchie
Paul Alderman
Christine Altomari
Michael Alvarado
Andrew Amato
Carlos Anaya
Kirsten Anderson
Denton Annecharico
James Apted
Carrie Yoko Arakaki
Miguel Arevalo
Bjorn Arnesen
Elizabeth Asai
Robert J Babin
James Baker
Jared Baker
Scott Balkcom
Eric Barba
Luis Barquero
José Luis Barrera
Kirk Baxter
Cheryl Beasley-blackwell
Brian Benavides
Adriana Benitez
Greg Benton
Lori Berlanga
Lisa Beroud
Mike Binczek
Kate Biscoe
Matthew Blackshear
Sheryl Blum
Kristine M Bochum
Marek Bojsza
Randall James Bol
Ron Bolanowski
Cosmas Paul Bolger Jr.
Charles Bolwell
John Bratton
Jon Breitkreutz
Thom Brennan
David Brenner
Danny Bress
Dean Broadland
Cara Brower
Anita "snoops" Brown
Jeanette Browning
Jack Brungardt
Ryan Brunner
Jane Bulmer
Donald Graham Burt
David L. Bush
Howard Cabalfin
Chris Cabrera
Sebastian Cabrera
Andrew Campbell
Rodrigo Campero
Jay Cannavo
Steve Cantamessa
Robert J Carlyle
Jerry Casillas
John Cefalu
Melissa Cell
Dianne Chadwick
Ceán Chaffin
Belinda Chan
Sue Chan
Viki Chan
Jay Cheng
Curtis Childers
Martin Clark
Trent Claus
Yves Jacques Clement
Chris Collins
Chris Collins
Will Collins
Will Collins
Robert Combest
Hugh Conlon
Terence Corliss
Paul Corricelli
Kirk Corwin
Michael Coscia
Daniel L Cowden
Brian Creasy
Jeff Cronenweth
Jeff Cronenweth
Jeff Cronenweth
Tim Croshaw
Alex Cruz
C Curnin
Bonnie Curtis
Robin D'arcy
Alberto Dfaz
Ekaterina Dfaz
Samuel Danielsen
Craig Davidson
James Davidson
Jim Davidson
Enoch Davis
Jim M Davis
Ron Davis
James Dean
Richard Denson
Edgar Diaz
Roy Dickson
Robert Dingle
Tyree Dingle
Leslie Dixon
Claudia Domínguez
Josh Donen
Christopher Doulgeris
Elena Driskill
Manny Dubon
Nico Dufort
Ron Durham
Fred Ebb
Emily Eddey
Greg Edgar
Monique Eissing
Katrina Elder
Coya Elliot
Robert Enriquez
Randy Eriksen
Louie Esparza Jr.
Antonio Evans
Katie Fellion
Malcolm Fife
Chela Fiorini
Scott Fitzgerald
Gillian Flynn
Gillian Flynn
William Fobert
Geoff Foster
Nathan Fung
Neil Gahm
Steven Galle
Oliver De Gante
Guillermo Garduño
Mike Garson
Dan Gartner
Demitre Garza
Natalia De La Garza
Brian Gazdik
Brett Mckee George
Mickey Giacomazzi
Stefano Giorgetti
Kevin Globerman
Rizza Go
Greg Goad
Daniel Gollás
Arturo Gómez
Danny Gonzalez
Ethan Goodwin
Didier Goret
Amy Graham
Tony Graham
Donnie Grant
Kathleen Gratz
Kathleen Gratz
Scott Graves
Jonathan Green
Peter Greenall
Mike Gregorio
Grant Hall
Annie Hamilton
Scott E. Handt
Jessica Harbeck
Kirt Leroux Harding
Tim Hawn
Nelson Hawthorne
David Hayles
Roger Van Heldan
Regina Henderson
Chris Herrington
Gabriela Hickman
Apryl Hill
Jayson Hill
Steve Hoeg
Tyler Hohmann
Owen Holdren
Christopher Holmes
Wes Howell
Laura Hoyt
Loretta Huggett
William H. Huggins
David C Hughes
Robert Huizenga
Scott Huke
Meredith Humbracht
Gary L. Hunter
Drew Huntley
George Ishii
Charlie Iturriaga
Chris Jadick
Vinnie Jae
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
20th Century Fox bought the rights to the novel for a reported seven figures.
Flynn completely rewrote the final act giving the movie a new and different ending than the book.
Wide Release in United States October 3, 2014
Released in United States 2014 (Opening Film)
Released in United States on Video January 13, 2015
Wide Release in United States October 3, 2014
Released in United States on Video January 13, 2015
Released in United States 2014
Based on the novel "Gone Girl," written by Gillian Flynn and published by Crown on June 5, 2012.