Gaynelle Evans
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Inside the Kill Box: Fighting the Gulf War
Executive Producer
The Mystery of the Parthenon
Executive Producer
The Ultimate Guide: Spiders
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
The Ultimate Guide: Submarines
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Jesus: The Complete Story
Executive Producer
The Ultimate Guide: Pyramids
Executive Producer
Producer (Feature Film)
Inside the Kill Box: Fighting the Gulf War
Executive Producer
Producer (Special)
The Mystery of the Parthenon
Executive Producer
The Ultimate Guide: Spiders
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
The Ultimate Guide: Submarines
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Jesus: The Complete Story
Executive Producer
The Ultimate Guide: Pyramids
Executive Producer
Behind the Terror: Understanding the Enemy
Hotel Iguana
Executive Producer
Ambulance: Arrive Alive
Executive Producer
High Speed Impacts
Executive Producer
Explosive Situations
Executive Producer
The Elephant's Empire: The World of Memories
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
The America's Busiest E.R.
Executive Producer
Nature's Babies II -- Babies of the European Forests
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
The Ultimate Guide: Human Body
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Wild Asia: Monsoon
Executive Producer
Tunnels: Digging In
Executive Producer
Desert Mummies of Peru
Executive Producer
The Elephant's Empire: The Long Childhood
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
The Ultimate Guide: Mummies
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
The Ultimate Guide: Extreme Weather
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Wild Asia: Himalaya -- Life on the Edge
Executive Producer
Wolves of the Sea: White Sharks
Executive Producer
The Ultimate Guide: Planes
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Bridges: Reaching Out
Executive Producer
Skyscrapers: Going Up
Executive Producer
Sharks of the Deep Blue
Executive Producer (Disvovery Channel)
Sharks in a Desert Sea
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Professional Cheerleaders
Executive Producer
Inside America's Military Academies
Executive Producer
Our Savage Sun
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
The Rise and Fall of the Mafia
Executive Producer
The Amazing Octopus
Executive Producer
Wall Street
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
War Dogs
Executive Producer
Sharks of the Atlantic
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Who Was Moses?
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Robots Rising
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Hammerheads: Nomads of the Sea
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Lost Warriors of the Clouds
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Savage Season
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Great White: In Search of the Giants
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Cocaine Cops
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
Wolves at Our Door
Executive Producer
Slave Ship
Executive Producer (Discovery Channel)
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