Felipe Cazals
Felipe Cazals enjoyed great success as a director due to his unique perspective of the world. Cazals received his start directing films, including work on "Canoa" (1976), the Salvador Sanchez crime flick "El Apando" (1976) and "Bajo la Metralla" (1982). Following up in the eighties and the early 2000s were credits like "Los Motivos de Luz" (1985), "What Belongs to Caesar" (1987) with Humberto Zurita and the period drama "Su Alteza Serenisima" (2001) with Alejandro Parodi. He also appeared in "Kino" (2005). More recently, Cazals wrote the Enrique Arreola comedy "Duck Season" (2006).
Director (Feature Film)
Writer (Feature Film)
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