Alain Terzian
The prolific Alain Terzian has produced over 40 films during his career. The French producer began with the film "The Small Timers" in 1978, and soon found himself working with Catherine Deneuve and Alain Delon in the 1982 movie "Le Choc." Two years later he produced the critically acclaimed "L'année des méduses" starring Valerie Kaprinsky and Caroline Cellier. In 1993 Terzian produced the cult comedy classic "Les Visiteurs" starring Jean Reno and Christian Clavier (they reprised their roles in the 2001 English remake "Just Visiting"). Working with director Alexandre Jardin, Terzian produced the latter's "Fanfan," starring Sophie Marceau, and "Le Prof" (he worked with Marceau again on the 2005 film "Anthony Zimmer"). In addition to his work as a producer, Terzian is involved with the administration of the Cannes Film Festival, and is President of the Cesar Academy and the French Producers Union, and CEO of Alter Films.
Producer (Feature Film)
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