Steven Weinstock
Cinematography (Feature Film)
We Are the Guinea Pigs
Camera Assistant
Producer (Feature Film)
Widow on the Hill
Executive Producer
Producer (Special)
Search For Alien Life
Executive Producer
Breaking News: Mile High Stories
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Wall Street
Executive Producer
Brotherhood of Hate
Executive Producer
Breaking News
Executive Producer
Ratings, Morals & Sex on TV
Executive Producer
Real CIA: Enemies, Secrets & Spies
Executive Producer
Transplant: The Clock Is Ticking
Executive Producer (Vni)
Trauma: Life and Death in the ER
Executive Producer
O.J. Simpson Trial: Beyond Black and White
Executive Producer
American Tribute to Vaclav Havel and a Celebration of Democracy in Czechoslovakia
Executive Producer
American Tribute to Vaclav Havel and a Celebration of Democracy in Czechoslovakia
Executive Producer (Wnet)
Life Events