Charles Inslee
Cast (Feature Film)
Footlight Varieties
The Note in the Shoe
The Lure of the Gown
The Brahma Diamond
The Eavesdropper
The Cord of Life
A Burglar's Mistake
A Fool's Revenge
A True Indian's Heart
At the Altar
The Welcome Burglar
The Salvation Army Lass
One Touch of Nature
His Wife's Mother
Love Finds a Way
The Criminal Hypnotist
The Guerrilla
Taming of the Shrew
The Zulu's Heart
The Bandit's Waterloo: The Outwitting of an Andalusian Brigand by a Pretty Senora
The Vaquero's Vow
The Feud and the Turkey
The Helping Hand
The Test of Friendship
The Stolen Jewels
The Christmas Burglars
The Red Girl
After Many Years
For a Wife's Honor
The Call of the Wild
The Redman and the Child
The Barbarian Ingomar
The Girl and the Outlaw
Money Mad
Where the Breakers Roar
A Calamitous Elopement: How It Proved a Windfall for Burglar Bill
At the Crossroads of Life
Behind the Scenes: Where All Is Not Gold That Glitters
The Man and the Woman
The Greaser's Gauntlet
Cast (Short)
Pay Your Dues
Mabel's Dramatic Career
Deceived Slumming Party
The Adventures of Dollie
Life Events